• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

Other people cant connect, but sometimes can

Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
I finished setting up mangos and had a few friends connect and we started messing around. Then it started to not let people connect. I managed to get 3 people on but sometimes they cant .. and i change no settings in between the times they log on so i dont know whats going on.

They say when they log in they get stuck on Logging into game server or Success.
If they have connected before, and it just stopped letting them connect, something has changed since the last time it worked. More than likely its your IP address. But to be quite honest, if you had it working at one point, it isn't MaNGOS any more. It's something you changed. Or didn't change for that matter.
I figured it out i think, I set the ip in sql database to my internal and it let me connect and sometimes would let others. I then set it to my external and all my friends had no problems. 4 connected perfectly.

but.. i have rediculous lag when i set it as my external ip. about a 1 min. delay between actions. I have a decent computer, amd x2 1gig ram .. 512kbit upspeed (should be enough for just 5 clients).

Why does it sometimes let them connect like 1% of the time if i set it to my internal but as my external they connect flawlessly but i have crazy lag.
Can anyone tell me what to set in terms of ips in the several spots that require them.

Server works with up to 4 people playing (no lag) when i set my sql database realmlist to my external. I then try to connect and way to much lag to play.

Setting it to my internal, gives me 0ms and lag free and a few times my friends were able to connect. But now 99% of the time they say they get stuck on Logging into game server.

This is how its setup currently..

SQL Database realmlist ip is
The 2 conf files all 3 ips are
My hosts file is

I have all 3 of the required ports open.

My main questions are Why do i lag so much when i set it to External and try to connect, and is there any other settings im missing to let people connect?