Outer world - Brooklyn, NY - taking vid requests

Junior Spellweaver
Sep 27, 2004
Reaction score
New York
Brooklyn, NY 11235, USA - Google Maps

becouse i'm bored and mordeth13 from youtube inspired me, i'm taking requests to make a 5-10 min video of anywhere within a 5 mile radius of the spot i posted.

just tell me where u want me film and will show u the real NYC, not the tourist big apple type where they only show some good parts (like monuments, parks, museums etc.).

i would prefer u sent me a link of the spot u want like i did, if u can

and the video will be posted here YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
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wow you're another one of those stupid Brooklyn kids i hate. I don't care if its the real new york, I grew up not too far away, probably withing the five-mile radius you're talking about and i'm not going around being all "hey i'm mad gangster, i grew up on the real streets of New York not in that mad stupid rich Big Apple." Seriosuly why does anyone care? you're just trying to boost your own ego.

feel free to delete this post if you really want to. I'm done with my crappy rant which makes no sense to anyone but me and people who grew up live in brooklyn and hate kids like the OP. or aty least i think it doesn't make sense to anyone else.
wow you're another one of those stupid Brooklyn kids i hate. I don't care if its the real new york, I grew up not too far away, probably withing the five-mile radius you're talking about and i'm not going around being all "hey i'm mad gangster, i grew up on the real streets of New York not in that mad stupid rich Big Apple." Seriosuly why does anyone care? you're just trying to boost your own ego.

feel free to delete this post if you really want to. I'm done with my crappy rant which makes no sense to anyone but me and people who grew up live in brooklyn and hate kids like the OP. or aty least i think it doesn't make sense to anyone else.

Your post actually made alot of sense.
I was under the conclusion * i live in brooklyn
that every 1 just drank and went to bars.
Atleast that what i been doing 0O What are you gona record lol? Theres not much but old people running around complaining and throwing stuff at me and friends ^^
Really tho theres not much to do in brooklyn
1) (golf) Driving range couple miles away...lol (try to hit the guy picking up the balls) ^^
2) Drink / bar
3) Public Urination
4) Rolling drunk friends home in stolen wheel chairs... ranks top for fun on my list ^^!! give it a try lol... its even more fun when he wakes up in a wheel chair in some random persons house ^^!!! lmaof .... ahh good times.
lol pieman that would be a classic.

how about filming some guy in an interview way then like half way through happy slap him then do 1. this gives another idea on how to film happy slapping people :P