[PC] Guild Wars II

Apr 28, 2005
Reaction score
Surprised no one posted anything about it yet.

IGN: Guild Wars 2 Announced

IGN said:
Guild Wars 2 Announced
WoW haters get some more lovin'.
by Micah Seff

March 27, 2007 - NCsoft Europe and ArenNet today announced their intentions for the future of the one non-WoW MMORPG to find popularity in recent years, Guild Wars. The companies revealed that development is currently underway on Guild Wars 2, a sequel to the hugely successful MMORPG. There was no launch date announced, but ArenaNet is expecting that the beta would be ready sometime in mid-2008.

The only detail given on Guild Wars 2 was that it will make use of the same game mechanics as the first game, while adding a fully persistent world to the mix. Like its predecessors, Guild Wars 2 will not require a monthly subscription fee from users, a huge bonus if you are gong to spend months on end playing the game.

However, this wasn't the only Guild Wars-related announcement today. ArenaNet also announced that it was working on an expansion for the game, titled Guild Wars: Eye of the North. Eye of the North will require one of the previous Guild Wars campaigns to play and is set to hit store shelves Q3 2007.

"We felt it was extremely important to reward those people who have been playing Guild Wars since the game first launched in 2005," said Jeff Strain, co-founder of ArenaNet. "Those players have seen three very large campaigns created in a little under two years and so we think it's time to begin filling in the details of the existing world and to provide more content for current characters. We are thrilled to focus our time on something that our players have been asking for."

Guild Wars: Eye of the North will have 18 multi-level dungeons, 150 new skills, 10 new heroes, 40 new armor sets, and an abundant supply of new items, weapons, and titles. Players into Guild Wars for the long haul will be happy to see the inclusion of a Hall of Monuments, a memorial celebrating your player's achievements. The monuments will exist into Guild Wars 2, and will be inherited by Guild Wars 2 characters as a means of unlocking exclusive items and bonuses.

"It's the payoff we hope players will appreciate as we continue to build on the Guild Wars franchise," said Strain. "We're excited to announce these two new products and we want players to know that Guild Wars has an extremely exciting future in the months and years ahead."

Anyone else eagerly looking forward to it?
Why are you surprised? Barely anyone on RZ actually plays the wodnerful game that is Guild Wars. If you play than i think its safe to say you and I are 2 out of maybe the 10 that play. Anyway, I'm looking forward to it even though tons of people are criticising it and saying "omg they totally turned it into a WoW clone (you have no idea how badly i wanna kill people that say this)" . Anet has shown that it listens to its community and that it does not want to lose customers so i'm sure that GW2 is not going to be the bad thing everyone expects. I'm just gonna sit abck and wait for it to come.
Guild Wars is one of the best games I own, it's disappointing that some people don't even give it a chance... But aye, got told about this not too long ago and I'm looking forward to it loads.

As for people saying it's a WoW Clone they must be blind or stupid (or both?), it's nothing like WoW in any way.
I own it..but I don't play it much anymore. Not sure why.

I think it's because they kept nerfing the classes I made. Assassin was good..then they increase mana cost. Warrior was fun..but they made it hard for people that didnt play for 12 hours. Ranger was great..but you need to spec in certain ways for certain areas and quests to be good.

Gerrr! I may start playing again..it's free which is great. And I cannot wait for GW2. It looks like I may start playing again for Eyes of the North also.

im going to play GW soon adn im so happy and i cant w8 the GW2 and for the ppl who think GW its Clone of WOW i can say they are idiots cuz frind of mine have Gw and he inspired my to buy it and play it. my personal opinion its that WOW is :censored:
All depends on what they do with it. Wont buy it if its same as part 1. Unless they put a cool theme this time. One's they've made so far are kind of stupid.
The PvP sucked if you asked me. It wasn't fun at all. I like PvP that you can really get into. Where you need to think on your feet and be fast.
The PvP in Guild Wars is actually a bit complex. I just think they need maps that are a "bit" more mind-blowing.

I seriously think they should do a futuristic Guild Wars...not sure why..I'm just stupid when it comes to that. I WANT to play SWG, but I don't want to play SWG....if you get what I mean....

Now back to Guild Wars...

The themes, yes, have sucked. Factions was the Asian theme. Nightfall is the African theme. Eyes of North will be the...Serbian...theme?..Maybe Icelandic..?

They should stop doing themes that relate to the Earth and do out of this world themes. I won't list any since it isn't my job to think of better ideas..it's theirs. :)

I think that a housing system would liven the game up. One where you're given a lot and you can build however you want onto the lot. One story or two story. Guild house or Private house. Castle or Victorian Mansion.

One last thing...I have a feeling that a video card upgrade will be somewhat necessary to get GW2. I don't know why...just a feeling. Time to blow away $600... :O
I would mainly like a today type theme maybe, like have gansters with guns or something, bill gates shoots PCs at people and buffs hiself with money, maybe our president will use his dumb thoughts to block NPC/players from using commands because their thinking to hard.... Or a dark age (not like first one), more like back in the old old days where people believed in werewolves (and they should add werewolves too ;D)... I'm just bored , leave me be....

Need better things to do. Game is same game just different look. UPGRADE!!! Not cover up...
lol Cameron you seriosuly have something against GW. I personally love the different classes, the skills, the varieties of builds, the PvP actually requires a brain to be good, and i seriosuly don't care fi the theme isn't totally original or amazing its the gameplay that makes me like it.
Love the game, can't wait for the second and the new expansion. I got lazy and didn't buy Nightfall until a week ago. So I'm playing that now. It's nothing like WoW.
The one thing I really hated about Guild Wars was that the bloody new map loaded right when you had to teleport to it. That was seriously pissing off. I really hoped they had a client with all the maps already preinstalled. That would make the gameplay so freaking pleasurable.
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