[PC] Me and Kurt playing TBC!

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Re: Me and Kurt playing TBC!

Ah..you guys play official? pfft.
Re: Me and Kurt playing TBC!

i have a lvl 68 rogue ;)
Re: Me and Kurt playing TBC!

I would play with you guys if it was on Blackwing Lair (thats my horde server). I have a lvl 35 paladin human on Gorefiend and some lvl 20s and under on Burning Blade. I play pvp only because of its more fun if you ask me. On my paladin I see alot of horde running by some ally towns to do a quest and I just kill them hehe.... Funniest kill was when I saw a same lvl warlock using the eye spell to see and I ran behind him and started to attack, he didnt see me which was the funny part hehe. I killed him 2 times because he came back (I didnt body camp but he didnt learn his lesson).
Re: Me and Kurt playing TBC!

ya i have official WoW on my laptop but on my desktop comp i play on a privateservers its a great game on the both sides the official servers are for when i play with my friends nd the private servers are when i keep dying from some place so i get a T3'd charand i pwn that area :P
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