Perfect world v70 release 1.46

New gs from to correctly read ptemplate.conf
I've tested and it works well. :

Don't forget to add to your gamed/ptemplate.conf under allow_login_class_mask = 1023
exp_bonus = 2000
MONEY_bonus = 1000
sp_bonus = 1000
DROP_bonus = 10

Change the bonuses to suit your own configuration, these were set for testing.

Credit to Stas94
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i hexedited mine for tasks multiplier too ^^
nice, wish i knew how to do it as well...maybe after i finish fiddling around with maps and other things i will give it a go.
Are you going to release your tasks edited gs?
(so i don't get shot down i should put that the means to do it has been presented on RZ, but time is not on my side and currently busy on other projects)
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nice, wish i knew how to do it as well...maybe after i finish fiddling around with maps and other things i will give it a go.
Are you going to release your tasks edited gs?

i'll ask my friend about it (who gaved the tactic to me)
info : program started with 6 threads.
=== DONE! ===

info : TcpManager OnAddSession
info : logclient: OnAddSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAddSession
=== DONE! ===

=== AUTH ===
authd:: add PollIO task.
gauthd: 22 Jun 2013 19:14:21,325 INFO GAuthServer:44 - authd:: add PollIO task.
=== DONE! ===

=== GAMEDBD ===
info : TcpManager OnAddSession
info : Begin import clsconfig ...
info : ClsConfig Imported .
info : InitGameDB, Role delete time is 604800.
info : InitGameDB, acquire region(id=1),[l=-100000.0,r=100000.0,t=100000.0,b=-100000.0].
TRACE : ReadDBConfig init_time 1371923820 open_time 0
info : Init GameDB successfully.
info : logclienttcp: OnAddSession
info : logclient: OnAddSession
=== DONE! ===

=== GACD ===
info : TcpManager OnAddSession
info : logclient: OnAddSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAddSession
info : GameDBServer::OnAddSession, sid=7.
=== DONE! ===

info : TcpManager OnAddSession
info : GameDBServer::OnAddSession, sid=8.
TRACE : OnAddSession sid=7
info : OnAddSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAddSession
info : logclient: OnAddSession
=== DONE! ===

TRACE : RewardManager:: begin timme 2011 12 15 9
TRACE : RewardManager:: end timme 2012 1 16 1
TRACE : points[2900]->bonus[300]
TRACE : points[9900]->bonus[1200]
TRACE : points[19900]->bonus[2800]
TRACE : points[29900]->bonus[4500]
TRACE : RewardManager:: reward interval 86400 times 1
info : TcpManager OnAddSession
District id is 0
TRACE : gdeliveryd::Max player allowed is 6000
TRACE : GameTalkManager: OnStartUp(aid, zoneid)
info : GameDBServer::OnAddSession, sid=9.
TRACE : OnAddSession sid=8
TRACE : Timer update: (0) Sat Jun 22 19:14:45 2013

TRACE : CountryBattle Init Successfully!!
gauthd: 22 Jun 2013 19:14:45,675 INFO GAuthServer:? - GAuthServer::OnAddSession com.goldhuman.IO.Protocol.Session@2cba5bdb
TRACE : sysauction initialize: auction max=4, total sell item=64
err : BillingAgent, duplicate item,id=16166,amount=500,timeout=0
err : BillingAgent, duplicate menuid,id=000000082000000002910000000001
err : BillingAgent, duplicate item,id=16024,amount=6000,timeout=0
err : BillingAgent, duplicate menuid,id=000000082000000002940000000001
err : BillingAgent, duplicate item,id=16019,amount=6000,timeout=0
err : BillingAgent, duplicate menuid,id=000000082000000002950000000001
TRACE : billing: menu loaded, menuids size=302, itemids size=302
info : logclienttcp: OnAddSession
info : logclient: OnAddSession
TRACE : gdelivery::connect gfactionserver successfully.
TRACE : BattleManager: Sync battle faction to gfactiond.
TRACE : FactionFortressMan: Sync faction id to gfactiond.
TRACE : gdelivery::connect to gauthd successfully.
TRACE : ganticheatclient:: connect gacd successfully!
info : OnAddSession
TRACE : gfactionserver:: add link(or Delivery) 0 to map.
TRACE : Receive zoneid=1 from delivery
info : OnAddSession
TRACE : DBAuctionList, size=0, handle=0
TRACE : DBWebTradeLoad, size=0, handle=0
TRACE : DBFactionFortressLoad, size=0, handle=0
TRACE : DBForceLoad, count=0 update_time=1371859200.
info : OnAddSession
TRACE : DBBattleLoad, count=51.
TRACE : DBStockLoad, size=0, handle=0
TRACE : dbauctionlist: received. res->items.size()=0,res->handle.size()=0 retcode=0
TRACE : dbwebtradeload: received. res->max_sn=0,res->items.size()=0,res->handle.size()=0 retcode=0
TRACE : dbfactionfortressload: received. res->list.size()=0,res->handle.size()=0 retcode=0
TRACE : FactionFortressMan: Sync faction id to gfactiond.
TRACE : dbforceload: rpc return. retcode=0
TRACE : DBWebTradeLoadSold, size=0, handle=0
TRACE : BattleManager: Sync map notice to GS.
TRACE : BattleManager: Sync battle faction to gfactiond.
TRACE : DBStockLoad: retcode=0, size=0, handle=0
TRACE : dbwebtradeloadsold: received. res->snlist.size()=0,res->handle.size()=0 retcode=0
gauthd: 22 Jun 2013 19:14:46,165 INFO GAuthServer:? - AnnounceZoneid3, clear all online records on zone 1
TRACE : StockStatus:: uptime=0,trade_price=0,order_volume=0,trade_volume=0,trade_amount=0,idpool=2
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: FUNCTION pw.clearonlinerecords does not exist
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.handleNewInstance(
at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.getInstance(
at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sendCommand(
at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sqlQueryDirect(
at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.execSQL(
at com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.executeInternal(
at com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.execute(
at com.mysql.jdbc.CallableStatement.execute(
at application.procedure.handler.execute(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at protocol.AnnounceZoneid3.Process(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
gauthd: 22 Jun 2013 19:14:46,216 INFO GAuthServer:? - AnnounceZoneid3, aid=1,zoneid=1,ip1=,ip2=,ip3=

=== DONE! ===

=== GLINKD ===
info : TcpManager OnAddSession
info : TcpManager OnAddSession
info : TcpManager OnAddSession
info : TcpManager OnAddSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAddSession
info : logclient: OnAddSession
info : logclient: OnAddSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAddSession
info : logclient: OnAddSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAddSession
info : logclient: OnAddSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAddSession
TRACE : gfactionserver:: add link(or Delivery) 3 to map.
TRACE : gfactionserver:: add link(or Delivery) 4 to map.
TRACE : gfactionserver:: add link(or Delivery) 2 to map.
TRACE : gfactionserver:: add link(or Delivery) 1 to map.
=== DONE! ===

=== MAIN WORLD ===
TRACE : gdeliveryserver::statusannounce,online=0,fakemax=6000,load=0,attr=-805306368
TRACE : KeepAlive sid=7
info : GameDBServer::OnAddSession, sid=10.
info : TcpManager OnAddSession
info : logclienttcp: OnAddSession
info : logclient: OnAddSession
TRACE : gproviderserver:: add gameserver 1 to map.
TRACE : gdeliveryserver::gameserver 1's region is (-4096.000, 4096.000, 5632.000,-5632.000), worldtag is 1
info : OnAddSession
TRACE : KeepAlive sid=8
TRACE : checkpoint begin.
TRACE : checkpoint end.
TRACE : gdeliveryserver::statusannounce,online=0,fakemax=6000,load=0,attr=-805306368
=== DONE! ===

anyone can give me solutions ?
Why can't 90% of people on this site read damned error messages? Is it really that freaking hard?

FUNCTION pw.clearonlinerecords does not exist

Wow, that took like... 0.75 seconds?

Seriously, just stop and leave...
that's mean the problem on your database.
please read it carefully
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: FUNCTION pw.clearonlinerecords does not exist
LOL no@ Leonara, a lot of things changed server side in v70, @ninekinsen, Ikr? It simply means he didnt import his sql properly, or it failed on some parts of it. Best bet would be for him to wipe the db, and re create it / re run the sql and try again.

just do that