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Dec 16, 2003
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not where u are
Whats Your Worst Fear OR Phobia?

I have an Insane Fear of Moths ,Not joking.

Eny thing mothy looking bigger than an inch just scares me beyond belief.
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ehh, i guess im afraid of the Amish, i mean, who could live their whole life (or close to) without electricity? besides that, it would definitely be turning gay. *shudders* ya know like when ur watching TV and u see this back-shot of someone in a thong, then they turn around and its a DUDE, and ur like "OMG! WTF! That's false advertisement!"
cotton wool no joke i fucking h8 the shit and if u think thats kinda weird my moms new b/f has a phobia of tomtoes he cant see them smell them or eat them in anyway without freaking out
My fear are really regular cockaroaches. If I see one anywhere and dont manage to kill it, will not rest until I find it. 2nd are probably spiders, mainly tarantula's if they manage to escape or something.

3rd must be heights....
well.. i enjoy sky diving.. so not heights.. or going fast.. hmm im not really afraid of animals...not really scared of dieing..

hmm.. what im scared of most, is not being able to help my friends, or fail to help some one i care about in a important situation.
believe it or not if u jump and its too high, 2-3 seconds before u touch the ground u die... ur heart wont take it anymore and it will let u go.. its a scientific fact
Exclamatio said:
im not even afraid of the falling

just hitting the ground after
the funny thing is, the part where i hit the grounds usually isnt the worst part, i don't get hurt very much, but i don't like the feeling of flying towards the ground, and (when facing upwards) not knowing exactly when ur gonna hit the ground. I'm pretty used to hitting the ground, cause i fall a lot.

edit:OH! so THATS why ppl were committing suicide, by jumping off the Twin Towers, instead of being burned alive or crushed.

edit again: im not afraid of girls, just afraid of being turned down by girls, or whats even worse is when u gotta fart :fart: but ur sitting in a crowded place, or directly next to a girl.
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Elessar said:
the funny thing is, the part where i hit the grounds usually isnt the worst part, i don't get hurt very much, but i don't like the feeling of flying towards the ground, and (when facing upwards) not knowing exactly when ur gonna hit the ground. I'm pretty used to hitting the ground, cause i fall a lot.

Poor kid's shoe laces are untied alot? Only messing......

Maybe falling down isnt that bad, just hitting the ground must really give you a heart attack or something..
Terron said:
im afraid of girls :( they so scary.. make me cry :cry:


oh and im afraid of weird numbers.. like 9..
no, i tie my shoes so that i almost never have to tie them again, but im clumsy like that. Like tripping over myself, or (and this is a true story) sneezing in the bathroom and busting my forehead open on the porcelain sink, then instead of getting stitches using a special medical glue, but the dumb nurse's thumb gets glued to my forehead. Im sooo unlucky :(
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