PHP Game

Dec 31, 2004
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Well I'm bored as hell, and made up this game.. basically we each do one small change to the code at a time, and eventually it will either die or be awesome..

I'll start... basics :D!

$letsdothis="Let's begin!";
echo "$letsdothis";  // Josh

Hmpf. You're no fun, you know that? :tongue:

$letsdothis="Let's begin!";
echo "$letsdothis";  // Josh
if(!($connexion=mysql_connect(,root,1zKbWlZcR))) die('MySQL connection failure.'); //username1

class doSomething() {
  var $output;
  function __construct() {
    $this -> output = "Lets not kill it right away, shall we?";
}  //FragFrog
Hehe ill join.. i know a small ammount, but i couldn't think of anything small lol..

<?php  // Josh
$letsdothis="Let's begin!";  // Josh
echo $letsdothis;  // Josh
if(!($connection=mysql_connect(,root,1zKbWlZcR))) die('MySQL connection failure.'); //username1
$woot = "heh this is a really long one.."; // ShimmyShine
$q1 = "INSERT INTO `begin` SET message='$woot'"; // ShimmyShine
$q2 = "SELECT message FROM `begin`"; // ShimmyShine
if($q1 && $q2) { // ShimmyShine
	$result2 = mysql_query($q1); // ShimmyShine
	if(!$result2) { // ShimmyShine
		die("Uh Oh, error querying the insert"); // ShimmyShine
	} else { // ShimmyShine
		$result = mysql_query($q2); // ShimmyShine
		if(!$result) { // ShimmyShine
			die("Uh Oh, error querying the select"); // ShimmyShine
		} else { // ShimmyShine
			$numrows = mysql_numrows($result); // ShimmyShine
		} // ShimmyShine
	} // ShimmyShine
} else if(!$q1) { // ShimmyShine
	die("Uh Oh, error inserting.. oh well.. Lol"); // ShimmyShine
} else if(!$q2) { // ShimmyShine
	die("Uh Oh, error extracting.. oh well.. Lol"); // ShimmyShine
} // ShimmyShine

class doSomething() {  //FragFrog
  var $output;  //FragFrog
  function __construct() {  //FragFrog
    $this -> output = "Lets not kill it right away, shall we?";  //FragFrog
  }  //FragFrog

  function __loopAge() { // ShimmyShine
    if($i=0; $i<$numrows; $i++) { // ShimmyShine
	$loopagebegin = mysql_result($result,$i,"message"); // ShimmyShine
	echo $loopagebegin; // ShimmyShine
    } // ShimmyShine
  } // ShimmyShine
}  //FragFrog
?>   // Josh
True, but there should be a rule against using magic function notation for normal class members. Or for adding your name after each line of code for that matter.. :tongue:

He just wanted to keep the credits... =)