Players can't connect to my!

Junior Spellweaver
Jan 12, 2007
Reaction score
Ok, first lemme tell you guys that I'm logged in and I have no idea where the Search button is. I scanned the whole page and I couldn't find the button.

My problem:

My fellow players can't connect to my server. For them, it's always "Please Check for Updates". In the config.xml, server.ini, and locator.ini, I put in my ip address. I tried to connect to the server with both the matchserver and the sql server on but even I couldn't connect and yes i did copy the zitem file from system.mrs to the matchserver folder. i copied the system.mrs file and unpacked it in the MRS folder.

When I put down in the config.xml file, I can successfully connect but my ip address won't connect me.

My question is, which ip address allows other players to connect to my server, locahost ip or my computer's ip? Localhost connects me, computer's ip doesn't. Both the localhost and my computer's ip address have no affect on the other players. Can someone help me? I know localhost connects players to their own computer but my computer ip address has no affect either. Please answer this post and don't reply with spam or insults.
use port forwarding ( with ports 6000 to 8000

oh and for the ip:
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Isn't a LAN IP Address ?

Try using this IP :

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it is not an ip...
it's an offline return DicDNS

in the dicionary
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This is what I put in my config.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>


This is the result of the ip address:

Both MatchServer.exe and Sql Server 2005 were on when this happened.
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