• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

Please help i need a good word..

Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 27, 2006
Reaction score
Well im making a new gamertag(for xbox live) and i want to make it funny but wierd at the same time..

I have the second part of the name but i need another word for like brutally destroyed or murdered..

lol ill post the name after i find a good one..
"you were killed by" Homosexual.
"you were killed by" UnsafeSex
"you were killed by" yourself
"you were killed by" A Rock
"you were killed by" A Gun
"you were killed by" A Disease

lol i dont know