Pls Help me For faction and spell ERRORS...

Initiate Mage
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
i am using djravine's mangos 2.0.10

2007-03-12 03:07:29 Loading Quests...
2007-03-12 03:07:33 ERROR:Quest 10091 has `RewSpell` = 99900 but spell 99900 doesn't exist, quest will not have a spell reward.
2007-03-12 03:07:33 ERROR:Quest 8564 has `RewSpell` = 30 but spell 30 doesn't exist, quest will not have a spell reward.
2007-03-12 03:07:33 ERROR:Quest 9916 has `RewSpell` = 67800 but spell 67800 doesn't exist, quest will not have a spell reward.
2007-03-12 03:07:33 ERROR:Quest 10701 has `RewSpell` = 72000 but spell 72000 doesn't exist, quest will not have a spell reward.
2007-03-12 03:07:33 ERROR:Quest 9853 has `RewSpell` = 104700 but spell 104700 doesn't exist, quest will not have a spell reward.
2007-03-12 03:07:33 ERROR:Quest 10310 has `RewSpell` = 94800 but spell 94800 doesn't exist, quest will not have a spell reward.
2007-03-12 03:07:33 ERROR:Quest 9453 has `RewSpell` = 30 but spell 30 doesn't exist, quest will not have a spell reward.
2007-03-12 03:07:33 ERROR:Quest 10339 has `RewSpell` = 75900 but spell 75900 doesn't exist, quest will not have a spell reward.
2007-03-12 03:07:33 ERROR:Quest 10178 has `RewSpell` = 80100 but spell 80100 doesn't exist, quest will not have a spell reward.
2007-03-12 03:07:33 ERROR:Quest 9505 has `RewSpell` = 330 but spell 330 doesn't exist, quest will not have a spell reward.
2007-03-12 03:07:33 ERROR:Quest 10857 has `RewSpell` = 92400 but spell 92400 doesn't exist, quest will not have a spell reward........


2007-03-12 03:54:05 ERROR:Creature (template id: 16938) have invalide faction (faction template id) #0
2007-03-12 03:54:05 ERROR:Error: invalid faction (0) for creature (GUIDLow: 197693 Entry: 16938)
2007-03-12 03:54:05 ERROR:Creature (template id: 16938) have invalide faction (faction template id) #0
2007-03-12 03:54:05 ERROR:Error: invalid faction (0) for creature (GUIDLow: 197676 Entry: 20679)
2007-03-12 03:54:05 ERROR:Creature (template id: 20679) have invalide faction (faction template id) #0
2007-03-12 03:54:05 ERROR:Error: invalid faction (0) for creature (GUIDLow: 196217 Entry: 17058)
2007-03-12 03:54:05 ERROR:Creature (template id: 17058) have invalide faction (faction template id) #0
2007-03-12 03:54:05 ERROR:Gameobject not created: it have not exist entry in `gameobject_template`. guidlow: 308819 id: 181637 map: 530 (X: -452.139008 Y: 4829.290039 Z: 25.753901) ang: 1.617610 rotation0: 0.000000 rotation1: 0.000000 rotation2: 0.723463 rotation3: 0.690363
2007-03-12 03:54:05 ERROR:Error: invalid faction (0) for creature (GUIDLow: 198963 Entry: 17058)
2007-03-12 03:54:05 ERROR:Creature (template id: 17058) have invalide faction (faction template id) #0
2007-03-12 03:54:05 ERROR:Error: invalid faction (0) for creature (GUIDLow: 198962 Entry: 16938)
2007-03-12 03:54:05 ERROR:Creature (template id: 16938) have invalide faction (faction template id) #0

2007-03-12 03:18:11 ERROR:Creature (template id: 22001) have invalide faction (faction template id) #0
2007-03-12 03:18:11 ERROR:Creature (template id: 22001) have invalide faction (faction template id) #0

2007-03-12 03:39:55 ERROR:Error: invalid faction (0) for creature (GUIDLow: 197755 Entry: 18977)
2007-03-12 03:39:55 ERROR:Creature (template id: 18977) have invalide faction (faction template id) #0
2007-03-12 03:39:55 ERROR:Error: invalid faction (0) for creature (GUIDLow: 197756 Entry: 18977)
2007-03-12 03:39:55 ERROR:Creature (template id: 18977) have invalide faction (faction template id) #0
2007-03-12 03:39:55 ERROR:Error: invalid faction (0) for creature (GUIDLow: 197758 Entry: 18977)
2007-03-12 03:39:55 ERROR:Creature (template id: 18977) have invalide faction (faction template id) #0
2007-03-12 03:39:55 ERROR:Error: invalid faction (0) for creature (GUIDLow: 197757 Entry: 18977)
2007-03-12 03:39:55 ERROR:Creature (template id: 18977) have invalide faction (faction template id) #0
2007-03-12 03:41:51 ERROR:Error: creature entry 19335 does not exist.
2007-03-12 03:41:51 ERROR:Error: invalid faction (0) for creature (GUIDLow: 195711 Entry: 19190)
2007-03-12 03:41:51 ERROR:Creature (template id: 19190) have invalide faction (faction template id) #0
2007-03-12 03:41:51 ERROR:Error: invalid faction (0) for creature (GUIDLow: 196105 Entry: 16950)
2007-03-12 03:41:51 ERROR:Creature (template id: 16950) have invalide faction (faction template id) #0
2007-03-12 03:41:51 ERROR:Error: invalid faction (0) for creature (GUIDLow: 195710 Entry: 19190)
2007-03-12 03:41:51 ERROR:Creature (template id: 19190) have invalide faction (faction template id) #0
2007-03-12 03:41:51 ERROR:Error: invalid faction (0) for creature (GUIDLow: 195694 Entry: 18975)
2007-03-12 03:41:51 ERROR:Creature (template id: 18975) have invalide faction (faction template id) #0
2007-03-12 03:41:51 ERROR:Error: invalid faction (0) for creature (GUIDLow: 195675 Entry: 18975)
2007-03-12 03:41:51 ERROR:Creature (template id: 18975) have invalide faction (faction template id) #0
2007-03-12 03:41:51 ERROR:Error: invalid faction (0) for creature (GUIDLow: 195693 Entry: 18975)
2007-03-12 03:41:51 ERROR:Creature (template id: 18975) have invalide faction (faction template id) #0
2007-03-12 03:41:51 ERROR:Error: invalid faction (0) for creature (GUIDLow: 195673 Entry: 18975)
2007-03-12 03:41:51 ERROR:Creature (template id: 18975) have invalide faction (faction template id) #0
2007-03-12 03:41:51 ERROR:Error: invalid faction (0) for creature (GUIDLow: 195619 Entry: 19261)

2007-03-12 08:28:50 ERROR:SESSION: received unhandled opcode UNKNOWN (0x038C)
2007-03-12 08:29:08 ERROR:SESSION: received unhandled opcode UNKNOWN (0x035C)
2007-03-12 08:29:30 WORLD: Starting weather system(change per 10 minutes).
2007-03-12 08:29:31 ERROR:SESSION: received unhandled opcode UNKNOWN (0x0391)