Plus emulator Public room fix ?

Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 10, 2009
Reaction score
Hello ragezone members.
im requireing some help here, i had an error relating to public rooms
When i clicked public rooms i had an error on the emu witch is now fixed.
I made a room and added the room id to the public rooms in navigator_public
i refreshed the navigator with :update_navigator command restarted the emulator and also cleared all my cookies and cauch i then clicked public rooms and there are no rooms there, just a message saying loading all the time, but there is no error, any one know how i could fix this i really dont understand it
I will like your post on who ever helps me to fix this
thanks in advance.
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 10, 2009
Reaction score
Hello cankiee thanks for taking you time to read this, I tried this 3 times yesterday and twice today, i restarted my emulator, and also cleared all my browsing stuff, and still had not worked i even tried just typeing :update_navigator, but that never worked either :/ I'm currently going to be going camping today so wont be back till monday, but will reply to the posts onece i am home, i still require help
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