Port Forwarding

Newbie Spellweaver
May 11, 2004
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Ok, I am having some troubles forwarding a port to be able to host a game (behind a router).

I used a portforward.com walkthrough for my router and now just need inputs to add to the fields show below:

I am using the MN-700 if that makes any difference. Once I type in the inputted values (I had a friend scan and figure out that they were 1433 and 3306) what IP do I have the friends connect to me? My current IP is displayed as 192.168.X.XX and the external IP (the computer that is the root of the computer is) is 24.150.XXX.XX. I am not sure which one to use?

Basically I need the following:

Description: (I am guessing it doesn't matter)
Inbound Port(s): [______] - [_______]
Type: TCP / UDP
Private IP Address: 192.168.2.__
Private Port(s): [_____] - [______]

Please help me out, pretty desperate at this time. Please do not just redirect me to the other thread, I've read it over and failed to be successful following the steps provided.

Thanks in advance.
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Goto . Do you see the ip address listed on that page? That is your external ip address. It's the ip address people should be using to connect to the game you are hosting. The inbound and Privte port boxes should be filled in with the same information. These boxes should both contain the port range used by the game you are trying to run. What should the numbers be exactly? I have no idea because you did not tell us what game you are trying to run. These numbers differ depending upon what software you are running. The type is also different depending upon which game you are running. Try both that always works<grin>.

If you need more help use You'll get me unless someones hijacked my page lol.

dlark, thanks for the nice reply :)

I failed to mention that this is for the game Redmoon.

I am wondering a couple of things, the portforwarding page for MN700 tells me to use Persistent, saying it is for games, but in the description of application and persistent, in the description it's the exact way around, application being for games, while persistent for html/ftp ports. Which one do I use to run a Redmoon server?

What exactly is my private IP?
"Private IP" 192.168.xx.xx is your LAN Ip address, so if you're in a LAN, the other computer in this lan can connect using this IP.
Ack, I've looked arround a bit. I can't find which ports to forward for redmoon. Can anyone else help us out here?

Persistant/nonpersistant really its a question of using port triggering or port forwarding. Either should work.

Port triggering activates port forwarding of a port range when data is flowing out of a certain port or port range. So lets say you set the incoming port range(ports to be forwarded) to 500-600. You also set the trigger port(outgoing port that will activate the incoming ones) to 1000. When you run the application it send data out of port 1000. Your port triggering setup on your router "sees" this data flowing out, and then lets data come in on ports 500-600. It directs the 500-600 traffic to the ip address that is using port 1000. The trick of this is that port 1000 needs to have a pretty constant outgoing data flow for this whole thing to work.

Port Forwarding basicly forwards traffic to a port or port range depending upon your router. This traffic is staticly forwarded. Ports forwarded in this manner are always forwarded, and always forwarded at the same ip address(computer). This way has less guess work. Unfortunatly a LOT of router only allow you to forward one port at a time. This becomes an issue when games and ptp clients require large port ranges to be opened.

Well I hope all that helped. For more information goto . I'm trying to fill in the holes of my site. It has only been up for four months, so it is still rather incomplete. But, it's getting better every day.

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My english is poor,and i think it is what u want:

Description: (I think it isnt needed)

Inbound Port(s): 20002,20100-20304

Type: TCP

Private IP Address: 192.168.2.__

Private Port(s): 20002,20100-20304

My server running~~~
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