Possible Item and Command Enhancements Mir2 

Jan 1, 2007
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Would be nice if you could do the following.

Make items that can only be wore if u have a set amount of PK points.

Make items that double one or more of your stats ie DC SC MC AC etc.

Make items that can only be worn on set maps.

An NPC commands that puts the items on a user, rather then staright in the users bag. And a command that takes it off. Would be great for quests, to make the user wear a kit that you give him to kill mobs. Evil but fun

A NPC command that checks for an item, on the person, in his bag, in his store or on the map all at the same time.

A special repair that only works on a defined item, not an item range. eg
ring1 can be special repaired
ring2 can not.

Database options that means you drop a item every time you die. Or better still every set number of mins. Like every hour.

A database option that allows the user wearing that item to see NPCs.

Items that allow you to use spells when used, eg
a belt or helmet or both together allows you to use magic sheild.
A braclet that allow you to use halfmoon.

Orbs that add base stats. Eg
adds mc+1 to the base of this ring
Ring1 mc0-4
would be
Ring1 mc1-4

Just a thought....
Dont know if any one has every played Star wars knights of the old republic, but in that you can carry to weapons, but you loss stats on one or both weapons, and some weapons are 2 handed.

Would in be possable to to habe 2 handed weapons or be able to hold to weapons on mir??

Also found a bug.
If you put a minus stat in for an item, in game it shows up at 65343 (or somthing like that) but you get the minus stat that you placed in the database, not the 65343.
yeah me and death had a chat about the minus stats the other day, he never did tell me if he was going to allow it.