Possible to Create Flying Mounts?

Lord of the Legion
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
El Segundo, CA
The search is down, so no flaming.

Now that there is a MaNGOS for v2.0.1 (Not TBC), is it possible to create flying mounts?

v2.0.1 has all the files and everything, if you have TBC installed, which I do, so can you make flying mount yet?
Use ! It's extremely helpful. Just search for a spell, and it gives you the Spell ID, and if it's a mount spell, it gives you the creature ID that the spell calls.
Me and killerxx2 are actually trying to figure out if we can get flying mounts working with Kobold v3. It's probably possible, but we need to figure out what parameters need to be passed in order for the server to recognize the mount as a flying mount.
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Oh thanks.

I've never used Thottbot for getting skills, so is "Value" the skill number I need?

Effect 1
Apply Aura: Mounted
Value: 21510

Also, I just remembered, are all of the flying mounts only able to be flown in Outland? Cause if so, would it be possible to fly them outside Outland?
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Yes, 21510 would be the creature ID that the mount spell uses. About being able to fly outside of Outlands, I have no idea. From what I've seen in videos, it should be possible, but, we won't know till we try. :smile: