• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

possible to use old client?

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Junior Spellweaver
Jun 21, 2003
Reaction score
i dont really like this new revolution interface (petty i know), is it possible to use the old client with the new server files and still be able to goto all 3 planets (providing i carried across some files).


is it possible to revert to the old interface and login screen by modding the revolution client (sorry if talking about editing the client isnt allowed).

bump. someone must know this.
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Don't bump just 5 hours after a post.

You can probably use the older client. But new items will just be invisible.
no i think it would work but you'd have to be really good with codeing and stuff look at Ruff-Rose they are useing some new items that im pretty sure werent in iRose such as a six stick bow...
iv not looked at the client files, is it not possible to just carry across the world and items and monster data files to the old client?

the main concern i had was the exe, obviously theres no open source client for rose, so would there be any compatability issues using it with the new server files?

the interface really bugs me thats all, and im more keen on the old login interface.

and sorry for bumping, threads move down so quickly here.
I think they changed quite a bit when they moved over to Evo (Packets, item id's, quest id's) But I'm not positive. I don't think you can just drop in the old client and hope it works.
it isn't possible, And no you can change the interface because of the EVO(i won't tell you why because you got no knowlegde about VFS) and if you will change it triggersoft will be after you in 1 weak. I tryed it(private) and it is pretty hard and very illegal. So i recommend you to leave it or make an Irose server.
it is possible to use the old clent but you would have to use it and capture each of the packet bytes and then modify the source of the server files to use that byte instead of the new one, and then the items may not show up because the client only knows so much and theirfore will only ask the server what it knows to ask.
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