Post your football shit in here

i have to say well done to united, might not of got through but they beat madrid in that game, and thats hard in its self, they should have got through really, all them easy goals they missed:cry:
yea madrid rulez,

btw milan was nice too ^^

and I really dont like man united :s
somethings wrong with them lol
their attitude? their money? their arrogance? I dunno, but i do know i dont like them ^^
na respect 2 man-u they fought well.:good:
not there fult real madrid are the best team in the world:p
wen they play there unstopable (on form) and a great side (of form):good:
well Man utd beat real madrid so ner! :p like to see arsenal or liverpool do that :p :p oh yeah i forgot they aint good enuf to get passed the group stages :rofl: :rofl:
Lothlorien said:
well Man utd beat real madrid so ner! :p like to see arsenal or liverpool do that :p :p oh yeah i forgot they aint good enuf to get passed the group stages :rofl: :rofl:

lolz >.<

im well fucked

how Barcelona lost against Juventus >.< fuck!

btw, i h8 Madrid but i must admit is actually the best football team by far