Problem with Mir DB Server (or SQL?) Mir3 

Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 23, 2003
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I need some help with EI server. Maybe anyone can help or give some solution for next problem.

I tri many times install all servers and sql server but always Mir db server return same error.
If i try make new char in char screen (not mather war or tao) in to the server log i have next error and no new char maked:
2004-05-24 20.53.04[Microsoft] [ODBC SQL Server Driver ] [ SQL Server ] Invalid objects name 'TBL_CHARACTER'
2004-05-24 20.53.13[Microsoft] [ODBC SQL Server Driver ] [ SQL Server ] Invalid objects name 'TBL_CHANGECHR'
2004-05-24 20.53.13[Microsoft] [ODBC SQL Server Driver ] [ SQL Server ] Invalid objects name 'TBL_CHARACTER'
2004-05-24 20.53.15[Microsoft] [ODBC SQL Server Driver ] [ SQL Server ] Invalid objects name 'TBL_CHARACTER'

this all only one error and i try make only one time one char.

:iamwithst :pissed:
I look and try many times change this file name to dhe capital lethers but nothing hapening.
i have all 14 tables and no errors if i import acess file to the sql.
Just a thought..
First create the mir3db table in sql
Then import 14 tables in.

next go to odbc, and create new sql instance - in system dsn create mir3db and link to sql
that should then work

Make sure sql service is running of course
If i do something wrong then mir server say Not ready
But server can load all mir3db info without any problem.
I think i have wrong table or something like this?!?!
Updated setup guide

Have attached my updated version of the setup guide

check the installation procedures in here with your setup, see if that helps


whats the official website for this game or is there any good private servers
for information on mir2 & 3 servers