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Problem with my compter ( Pt. 2 )

Junior Spellweaver
Mar 26, 2006
Reaction score
In my bed =)!
Ok I've made a topic about this a few months ago aswell, but no one had a solution, so I'll try again.

I've got problems with playing games... For example the game Fable ( Just a stupid example, it's with every game the same ) I play the game..And I can walk like 5 seconds normal without lagging and then 2 seconds lag...5 seconds normal and 2 seconds lag.. And with that lag I mean that he walks like 0,5 Meter in 2 seconds... It's really annoying I have it with almost every game and I have no fucking idea what's the problem.

Processor : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00 GHZ (2 CPUs)
Memory : 1024 Mb ram
Graphic card : NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GS/XT 256.0 MB Ram DDR3. DAC-Type : Integrated RAMDAC lol.

Direct X 9.0 C

Well I think that's all.


Link to my old topic.
this could be may different issues try doing a clean xp install that would probably fix it
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its probably a defect in ur gxf card as it is affecting offline games :/ try replacing it with another card and see if that helps :P before u do stick in a new card uninstall ur cards drivers and use a driver cleaner (google it) use it and install the card again or try another card if the issue is the same could possable mean u have a serious issue :/
its probably a defect in ur gxf card as it is affecting offline games :/ try replacing it with another card and see if that helps :P before u do stick in a new card uninstall ur cards drivers and use a driver cleaner (google it) use it and install the card again or try another card if the issue is the same could possable mean u have a serious issue :/

Can't be the problem, before this I had a radeon 9600 should be enough to play the games I play... But I had that problem... So I bought the current one and same problem continues , so it's probably not the GFX card.
as i sad this could have may issues :/ ram sticks, mobo etc i would check the ram stick next try poping em out and sticking em back in or if u have a another computer with the same type of sticks try using them
Video card, impossible..And im not a computer expert so how to test cpu or motherboard ?

Impossible for the video card? It's highly possible to get a new card that doesn't work you know. And if the problem happened after you got it then that's your answer. It's bad. I've seen it happen before.

NoPeace - out
Highly possible? Where the hell do you buy graphics cardz?

You do realize that there is only a 99% chance of getting a card that is working. So that still leaves a 1% chance.

Then if you look at the yields of cards it's gets pretty high. So if they make 1,000,000 cards and 1% of them are faulty that means there will be 10,000 cards that are bad.

So it's very likely to get one of those cards that are in the 1% margin. Not to mention that's on good cards. Cards like the 7900 series had a 30-40% faulty yield.

NoPeace - out
Impossible for the video card? It's highly possible to get a new card that doesn't work you know. And if the problem happened after you got it then that's your answer. It's bad. I've seen it happen before.

NoPeace - out

As i've told you I had a radeon 9600 before, and I had exact the same problem, so I dont think its the graphic card.