Problem with packet version ( plz help me )

Skilled Illusionist
May 10, 2006
Reaction score
Việt Nam
nguyenhuy - Problem with packet version ( plz help me ) - RaGEZONE Forums

nguyenhuy - Problem with packet version ( plz help me ) - RaGEZONE Forums

I'm using viet client .Thanks before !
you need korean RO client to connect to eAthena.

lozl no , I tested my server with kRO and it's working but i want to use viet client because i want to use my language in my server. If you can help me , plz do it and if can't , don't post here.
lozl no , I tested my server with kRO and it's working but i want to use viet client because i want to use my language in my server. If you can help me , plz do it and if can't , don't post here.

eAthena is made to work with the latest kRO client and will not work with other language clients. If you want vietnamese in the client, you'd have to make a vietnamese language pack for your server.

What you would need:

1. A custom data folder with the vietnamese item names and such.
2. The vietnamese skin for RO.

There are packet differences in the clients (as you could see from the error), and since eAthena is coded after kRO packets, that is what it will work with. You will get the same answer on the eAthena boards.
eAthena is made to work with the latest kRO client and will not work with other language clients. If you want vietnamese in the client, you'd have to make a vietnamese language pack for your server.

What you would need:

1. A custom data folder with the vietnamese item names and such.
2. The vietnamese skin for RO.

There are packet differences in the clients (as you could see from the error), and since eAthena is coded after kRO packets, that is what it will work with. You will get the same answer on the eAthena boards.

i tried my best with language files but it's not fully because file exe in kro client i s not support unicode so font error!