Problem with TBC

Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 18, 2006
Reaction score

Today, I downloaded and installed MaNGOS TBC 2.08, and it is working properly.

My problem lies in the WoW client itself.

I was at version 1.12.1 and therefore upgraded to 2.0.1, afterwards to 2.0.3 and finally 2.0.3-2.0.7 - this all went smooth, but after changing to the proper value I started the client and was a bit surprised.
When I tried to connect to the server i was notified by a message:

Your account is authorized for the Burning Crusade expansion, but the computer you are playing on does not contain Burning Crusade data. To play on this machine with this account, you must install the Burning Crusade. Additional data is available at:

Woah! Now what does this mean?

I tried searching around for this, but so far with no answers. That is why I now ask you, if you can explain this and hopefully solve my problem, since I'm eager to see if how the server is working.

Please correct me if this is not the proper placement of this thread. I just felt that it was lying in the server.

Sune C
Well, the message you are getting clearly states that you MUST have The Burning Crusade expansion installed... I think, though, that there is a setting in one of the MaNGOS conf files that changes whether or not you must have the expansion installed. Honestly, though, you'd be better off just downloading TBC.
TY for the quick info.

I don't think there are any full TBC downloads yet? Or am I wrong?

About that config thing, I'll just go through it and see if I can find anything

EDIT: Hmm. I actually think that I found it. But it won't seem to work.

# BC support.
# Default: 0 (No support)
# 1 (BC needed to logon)
BCSupport = 0

Was set to 1 originally.
I don't think there are any full TBC downloads yet? Or am I wrong?

You can always buy the game... wherer I live they have lowered the price on both WoW and TBC, you can get both for less than $70 (TBC for less than $41) in stores, propably cheaper online...

or you can always look for the official Blizzard TBC downloader on torrent sites.
Did I say that ??

Use the Bl!zz4rd downloader!
(Europe Version)
(US Version)

Today, I downloaded and installed MaNGOS TBC 2.08, and it is working properly.

My problem lies in the WoW client itself.

I was at version 1.12.1 and therefore upgraded to 2.0.1, afterwards to 2.0.3 and finally 2.0.3-2.0.7 - this all went smooth, but after changing to the proper value I started the client and was a bit surprised.
When I tried to connect to the server i was notified by a message:

Woah! Now what does this mean?

I tried searching around for this, but so far with no answers. That is why I now ask you, if you can explain this and hopefully solve my problem, since I'm eager to see if how the server is working.

Please correct me if this is not the proper placement of this thread. I just felt that it was lying in the server.

Sune C

I think you can play on that server without TBC client but you will not be able to have new races and you will not be able to go in new zones and Outland.

What do you need to play with your normal W*W client:

you need to make change in your mangos.conf file BC suport...

*if you need to play with TBC client change it to 1
*if you are playing with normal W*W client change it to 0

code said:
# BC support.
# Default: 0 (No support)
# 1 (BC needed to logon)
BCSupport = 0

I have changed it but Now i cant conenct he still stay at connected after changing realm or hanging at Logging in to game server (i have everything at for testing)

*ok edit sorry after changing same whit me about tbc data.
First it lookliked it was gonna work but it doesn't So ill wait at my tbc :p
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