Problems making server

Initiate Mage
Apr 4, 2007
Reaction score
Hello everyone,

Im having an issue with connecting to my own WYD2 Server.
I have followed all the steps in the videos, no errors pop up.
But when i start WYD2 and click to choose which server I can access, It shows No-Server2 or somthing
I followed all the steps on the video, im not sure whats wrong, everything starts fine, it just doesnt connect the Client to my server.

Any Help?

I read now you should use this hamachi network, I downloaded it, started a network, and i used to IP that it used for the server, is this right? because it still isnt working for me... :(
follow my guide!!!!! make sure you have fix your IP to the two folder and run the tmserv and dbserv copy the serverlist.bin to your server file folder and past it to your client!

that's all you need to fix a connection to your account to your server!!!!..... no need serverlist editor

good luck to you!!!!!