Program Database Debug (PDB Files)

Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 14, 2005
Reaction score
Hi all

im very interested in working with this, as you know it can help lot in Debugging, do you know a good site for learning the pointers to debug symbols and the PDB files? (google don't help me)

I heard that pdb.plw plugin (Ida Pro) can produce the Pdb files from a file without having the Source (working on Visual C++ 6.0)

The thing is that is never produce the PDB File, it just load the symbols and nothing more, or other times it make an error saying that is SynNone[0] .
Is there a fix for this? (is a Debug build)

i just wondering if someone could send me the source of this plugin (i can't get the full SDK IDA Pro for it) to make the Pdb File, or is there another way to create the symbols and make a xxx.pdb file?

thx for all