[ Program: Saga Restarter]

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 31, 2006
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Just a couple of program i used to run my server with and sharing with u guys and for those peeps that runs the server on windows :cool:... basically both of this files are freewares u can get over the net. Somehow i find it better then using a .bat file to check if your server crashes..


- - Application Monitor is a program that constantly checks the processes previously chosen by the user, and when it detects that one of those processes has stopped working it will start it again. You can use this on any other program besides saga server to always check if the process is running or restart if it had crashed. Theres a time settings you can change in the program settings to check on the process if its running or not.

How To Use? - Simply extract all thats in the zip file in to your binary folder and open up the program and add your authentication, gateway and map server then adjust the time limit as to when you want the program to listen and watch your processes if the program is running or had crashed.. Everthing else is self explanable through the program.


Hide All - - Basically this program is to hide your server instead of cluttering your taskbar and just hide it and keep it run in the background. Use Hide All to get rid of windows that you need open, but don't use all the time so that they don't clutter your taskbar, for instance, email clients, management utilities, etc. Hide All also allows you to hide all your desktop icons as well as the Windows taskbar. You can also hide the application itself so that it isn't visible as well. When you want Hide All to be visible again simple hold down control and tap H. Complete usage instructions available by clicking Hide All's "Help" button.
AppMonitor - Don't use this program, it restart AND configuration of the servers .

I have been using them for almost a year without any troubles.. as i said.. u must put the files in to the server binary folders and make a shortcut for them at desktop or whatever place u choose in order for them to read the config directly.. Only applys to ro2 server.. other then that other programs runs as a breeze.. This is just an alternative to that of the .bat server restarter..
Ok, but, when server gets error, server don't closing operation .. so .. Restarter here not working for me, but im going to look at configuration :wink:

Only applies if one of ur server crashes and closes by itself and this program will start it back again, in xx seconds u set, just like the .bat client crash restarter. Its good to use when everything is well set up and u leave the server unintended. In some cases some peeps using web cms for registration and stuff wont need to worry if gateway crashes on them n auto closes the cmd prompt since this thing can start it back up once it detects "gateway.exe" process or whatever u name it is not running.. if the server itself doesnt crash or autocloses and gave an error then it might be ur config u set it up wrongly...