Proper Way to Shutdown ?

Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 18, 2011
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I'm not if anyone has a better solution to this.

But I have been starting the server from SMC since we opened. No need to manually launch them in order this way.

But recently after a few updates there were some chars that were bugged on char select and dcing. I know this could of been related to an update but the changes were simple enough.

Before I noticed that once you shutdown the server in taskbar by closing them all the Shardmanage still runs in Task Manager. I closed it a couple times till I realized it takes time to close. By force closing it too soon it results in bugged chars.

But haven't had any issues till recently after an update.

I've tried Shutting down from SMC - Right Click shutdown. But that will only shutdown a few programs from the left side. It won't shutdown the Shard or GS.

Does anyone have another proper way of shutting down besides right click and closing ?
Jul 18, 2007
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i like this thread. and i do believe this is a big problem for vsro people.

everyone just alt + f4 xD

SMC will shutdown the server, but will take like 1-2hrs to clear 1000 people from the server. Thats what it does on perfection.

and yes, naturally this is going to cause a huge problem!

good thread.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 18, 2011
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I just thought of a safer way to get around issues that may occur.

Just backup right before you shutdown the server either by force closing from task bar. Or w/e way others use.

Players won't notice the few seconds difference if a rollback is required for some reason that the shutdown may have caused issues in the database and people logging in.

If you backup after the shutdown and before changes the shutdown itself could have still caused problems. So it's better to do it right before shutdown.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 23, 2009
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Patched Applications of VSRO Files will not take orders for closing or shutdown like GameServer and SharedManager.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 17, 2012
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i found killserver.exe file on epvp

il share later.. xD

basicly it just shuts off server quickly
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