[PS?] Swap Magic?

Loyal Member
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
Idk I'm lost
I want to be able to start playing japanese version of games and wondering where is the best/cheapest for a USA/florida person to order a Swap Magic disc with the slider. I want the best version, I've read the CODER vr is buggy and made some games not work while 3.6 is best still but IDK!! I'm lost on this, please help me if you can.

**This is not used for illegal copying of games, only backup of games you ALREADY own or to play games from other countries.**
Re: Swap Magic?

i got swap magic 3.8 (Coder)

and every game i tried works.. alot of jap game works that ive tried ..

Only get coder if ya want the built in cheat engine kind of thing... thats the only difference between coder and 3.6.. coder has cheats for almost every ps2 game.

but i find it handy cause its a simple tick of a cheat ya want and works... but i dont cheat much, only on a few games i get stuck on...

anyway swap magic owns, so glad i got it, and never regretted it for once.

and i dont know where to order stuff in the US lol... just browse modchip sites...

sif not use it for illegal means... :P
Re: Swap Magic?

Main reason I'm questioning coder is because *wiki* said that alot of games that worked on 3.6 dont work on 3.8 anymore and that 3.6 is still the best. I contacted a website that is selling one and asking them. May buy it my next pay check (even though I still have $270 left in bank, need to save up alot for car...)