[PS2] Bleach Blade Battlers

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Mar 28, 2006
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Just saw this on Youtube. Game looks really fun, I looked it up on Wikipedia and it came out in Japan in October, but I haven't found the Release date for USA (if there is even going to be one).

Maybe they are waiting till the Anime gets further into the story so it doesn't spoil anything. Anyone know anything about a USA release?
Strange, I checked out Game Stop's next 5 months shipment and couldn't find this game anywhere. From looking over some of my resourse site I couldn't sum up anything. All I could find was rumor release dates. From what I saw, the game should be in the shelf sometime during June-July.

The video and reviews looks preety cool. Then again I had to view a Japanese Review. I might get this game when it comes out, Just started watching the show and I think this is a great addition.
Yeah the anime is sweet. Hope this game does come out for the PS2 soon in the USA. I would buy it instantly, after watching some videos I could already tell I'd be an addict of the game.
No, there is another game for Bleach that's for the Wii. But there is also one for the PS2.
ORLY? I didnt know this :O that would be sweet if it came to US id totally get it. theres a new YYH game coming out but only in JP it makes me SAAAAAD.

YYH forever is the game name and DAMN it i want it -moves to japan-