You serious. You can swim in VC now? O.O
I don't remember if you could do that in LCS or not. Actually I didn't to play LCS as I have only done 2 missions in it. I really need to stop buying new games till I bet the ones I already have. Going to get 2 more this month (AC4 and Oblivion: Shivering Isles) and hopefully no more good games comes out for a while as I need to beat a ton of games (LCS, VCS, FFXII, Prey, Tomb Raider Legends, Dead Rising, Lego Star Wars 1 & 2, Hitman 1 & 2, Max Payne 1 & 2, MSSaga, Motor Storm, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, RFoM, Halo 2, Supreme Commander, Battle Stations Midway, DDR Universe, Oblivion, Rinbow Six Vegas, Superman Returns, Bully, Zelda Twilight Princess, and a few more). -.-'
Funny... I have a problem of not finishing my new games. Haven't even put 7-8 in the machine and played them yet where as the others are lik 50-90% compete. O.O
NoPeace - out