Hello there ragezone!
This its the first website I releasing and I hop I'll enjoy ragezone forum My friend tol me to join it because he said that my design looks pretty good as a beginner. I have work with html/photoshop 2 weeks. I'am still practining how to work with them. So I hop I can get some help " Leave a comment below to help me get better ". Enough info about this.
The website its create'd by me 100% the design/coding. BUT I didn't code it because I have non time for it. So you some are going to use this website REMEMBER TO CODE IT. I just change'd the background on it and I did SLICE IT. If you want only the .psd file just pm me here at ragezone and I'll send you the download link.
- Adobe404
This its the first website I releasing and I hop I'll enjoy ragezone forum My friend tol me to join it because he said that my design looks pretty good as a beginner. I have work with html/photoshop 2 weeks. I'am still practining how to work with them. So I hop I can get some help " Leave a comment below to help me get better ". Enough info about this.
The website its create'd by me 100% the design/coding. BUT I didn't code it because I have non time for it. So you some are going to use this website REMEMBER TO CODE IT. I just change'd the background on it and I did SLICE IT. If you want only the .psd file just pm me here at ragezone and I'll send you the download link.
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To view the content, you need to sign in or register
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
- Adobe404