PvP Enter/Leave Script

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 9, 2007
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Hi i need a Script so i just can type .pvp enter and .pvp leave ,

so i can go to the arena and back .
i know this exist just havent found it enyone got it?

I've tested out many different cores and db's for mangos, and none of them have support for this.

If anyone has edited thier own into thier database, would they be kind enough to export an sql for us.
Half of the script has already been added to the newer revs. But it's only half done. Here's the script so far:

function pvp_enter_cmd(player,args,type)
    if not player:isInCombat()   then
                    player:TeleportTo( 0 ,   -13228.1,   227.833,   32.8926 ,  1.06  ,true ,true )
return true


Now it just needs to have a leave command added...
Look, something like this would be extremely easy to do. The leave command will be almost identical to the enter command, except it teleports to the remembered location (you'd have to edit the enter command for it to remember your current position). Try doing something yourselves for once...
Look, something like this would be extremely easy to do. The leave command will be almost identical to the enter command, except it teleports to the remembered location (you'd have to edit the enter command for it to remember your current position). Try doing something yourselves for once...

I did try and make one, but it still did not work man.
I was working with sdb/hakens core at the time, maybe this setup is not working well with the script, or maybe i've done something wrong.

Point is I did try...
lol, that wasn't aimed at you, ryu. I'll outline the process for everyone.
Create a new SQL table, called something like pvp_pos, or summin similiar, and make 6 columns; one for the character ID, and the other 5 to store mapID, x position, y position, z position, and orientation. Then, in the enterpvp command, make it set the position info in the new table. Then create your leavepvp command based on the original enterpvp one, and make it pull the info from the table and store them into variables, and use the variables in the TeleportTo function (not sure if you could access required columns directly in TeleportTo. If so, you wouldn't need to create variables.) VOILA! You have working pvp enter and leave commands. ^_^
lol, that wasn't aimed at you, ryu. I'll outline the process for everyone.
Create a new SQL table, called something like pvp_pos, or summin similiar, and make 6 columns; one for the character ID, and the other 5 to store mapID, x position, y position, z position, and orientation. Then, in the enterpvp command, make it set the position info in the new table. Then create your leavepvp command based on the original enterpvp one, and make it pull the info from the table and store them into variables, and use the variables in the TeleportTo function (not sure if you could access required columns directly in TeleportTo. If so, you wouldn't need to create variables.) VOILA! You have working pvp enter and leave commands. ^_^

Ah, thought you ment to everyone lol.
Btw, have you tested that out on mangos?

As I done something long them lines but with no joy at all.
Whats happening:
Realm type: PvP
Mangosd.conf: Type 1

When I type /pvp it says "pvp toggled"
But im unable to attack any players "even when they are in pvp mode too"

using the .pvp enter all it does is say "pvp toggled"
and using .pvp leave "pvp mdoe disabled after 5mins of friendly area"

Im guessing i've not done something right, and even after trying what you typed up, still nothing changes.

But im sure within time a mangos core will be released and the devscript or mangos script will contain the correct information in it.

But if you have any other idea m8, let me know.
Anyway, me and ravine are working on pvp right now, so hopefuly we will have some results;)

I'll let you know if we have any luck.
Ok, we have looked into it.
PvP don't work period...

But since BG's don't work yet, this is to be expected.
We shall just have to live with duels for now, shame as it would of been fun to fight in the arena:)

As for pvp, wowemu still has it fully working.

So for anyone that wants pvp working like it should, use wowemu.
boys =) i have played on a mangos server with this pvp script , the servers name is worldofoppertunites, so i NOW this exist. =)
And in what way does PvP work?

If it's just duels, then we already know they have worked for ages..
If .enter pvp or .pvp enter works, and they are indeed taken to where it should be, then let me know.

Because if so, then at least I know it's possible..
.pvp enter to go to the arena and .pvp leave to go back to where you used .pvp enter , thats how it is working ! and the server that has this script is a mangos server Not a wowemu
the admin of the server is the one ho has made the script, i have talked to him but he wont give me the script , he says his server is "unique" ,