.pvp leave on MANGOS

Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 1, 2006
Reaction score
Guys can u help us please, what we need to do to make .pvp leave work on Mangos like it worked on WoWEMU (that means when u use that cmd it brings u back to location where u last time used .pvp enter).

theres a mod called mangadmin where you can .gps then .gps recall (something like that) plus it gives a lot of usefull commands in a few boxes.

my wife knows more of the command then I do since I'd rather .tele and run lol
but yea try mangadmin the addon it should help
I have the same problem, half the script already exists:

function pvp_enter_cmd(player,args,type)
    if not player:isInCombat()   then
                    player:TeleportTo( 0 ,   -13228.1,   227.833,   32.8926 ,  1.06  ,true ,true )
return true


Anyone know how to make a leavepvp command that returns the player to his previous possition or to thier homebind? Thanks
Yep guys our .pvp enter works but we dont have .pvp leave, if anybody would be so kind and make cmd .pvp leave that brings u to location where u used .pvp enter we would be so happy :D
All you need to do is edit the .pvp enter command to store your current location in a variable (probably make a new sql table for it), then create a .pvp leave command based on the .pvp enter command that teleports to the stored location.
Problem is that we don't know how to script in lua :S

Only if somebody could make us cmd and link us to it.