PVP only BC server!

Initiate Mage
Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
id just like to suggest..a server idea and didnt kno were so here it is..

PVP ONLY server...

NO mobs! ...or very minimal amount (to reduce lag maybe?)

new chars start at level 70 or at least rate so high level 70 is reachable in 5 minutes.... mobs that drop huge amounds of gold... epic vendors in ironforge and org, and PORTALS to world PVP areas such as STV one side for horde 1 for ally...

every day portals change to new area of the world having 2 sides for each faction.....

IMO a server like this would get overflowed with ppl.. but it also means ppl could donate to get more servers up..

as for the future of the server.. it could be changed to .. eveyrone starts out in blues.. and in the portals each side has eather horde for the horde or ally for ally NPCS which can be killed only by the enemys and drop gold.. which u could save up to earn higher tier items...

ANYWAYS will somone make a server like this... or at least flame my post .. thanks :D

EDIT.. well im attempting to setup my own server to mess around with... i got it online but when a friend trys to connect he cant get past the server screen.. he can see the server.. ANY ideas!!..

[email protected] :D
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Hey i like some of your ideas, i was planning to host my own server too i made special areas , vendors and stuff like that, but when i was finally done modding and making my own teleport system I couldn't get other ppl in like you. I'd like to help ya when you got your server up and accecable for others. Maybe we could add together on Msn or Skype.
if any of you like these ideas .. post like great idea! or something so we know more ppl are interested :D

you see.. the real problem with wow servers is most of them have about.. 20 ppl online.. just all around the world... on a pvp only server that wouldnt be a problem because u can still have alot of fun pvping with just 20 ppl..

anyways im setting up the server to mess around with Right now.. theres no vendors.. no portals.. but XP rate is going to be 1000x same as drop rate ill post the server IP in a sec somone come try it out!

PVP area. gurubashi arena !...

edit.. im havin trouble getting it to work online .. il post when i fix it