PVP question

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
Hello, well i have a question is it possible to to put everyone into pvp instead of Normal b/c i told everyone to choice normal is it possible to change it to pvp?
wow... ... ... What emulator are you using? This would be the first important thing to know. But the short dirty answer is it's part of the servers config file. WoWemu's default is PVP and as a matter of fact the server REALLY doesn't like anything other than that. Mangos' default is PVP as well. I am pretty sure that there is a linein the mangosd.conf file that you can set the different options for server type. There are quite a few options for that as well. Though I am really not certain how well it works on anything other than PVP.

But As far as them "Choosing" normal over PVP it doesn't matter. That portion of the client script is used to "Choose" the best matched server. Think of it this way. If you were logging in to the Blizzard servers for the first time and decided "Hey I want to play PVP!" Checking that box will give you a list of PVP servers. If however, you only had one server to choose from (For example your private server) it really doesn't matter what box you choose... click oceanic... it doesn't matter. The only server the game will find is yours. Their choice doesn't affect the way they play the game. The PVP or normal option (Like I explained in the first paragraph) is set server side.
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