PW server backups and restoration

Junior Spellweaver
Aug 17, 2021
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i have created a script to back up (while game server is running) the following:
+ the sql database

when i try to restore it, uniquenamed and gamedbd crashes. but restoring it from a full back (the whole gamedbd and uniquenamed folders) it does not crash, and both were saved when the server was offline.

my question here now is what is the recommended method to make a backup for disaster recovery or rollbacks,
do i need to backup the full folders? does the server need to be offline when backup is executed?

thank you very much in advance, any tip is appreciated!
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I copy gamedbd and uniquenamedb folders to a temp dir, and mysqldump the sql db to the temp dir... Then archive it... But only do this when the server is stopped... If you have other edits outside those folders, you may want to include this too...
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The Notorious
thanks for the reply!
so, in an active server, to make a daily backup you would need to shutdown GS (all maps) everyday and disconnect everyone? or it needs all PW daemons to be shutdown?
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I would shutdown... The gamedbd database can be delicate while the server is running... But then I only do weekly backups... I also created a script that runs each time that the server reboots. Once the backup is done it starts the server... This way I can schedule a shutdown and reboot... Also good during power outages...
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i see, that's a good idea, i'll make one as well, thank you.
i'll do some trial-error attempts whiel server is online, because i'd like to do a daily backup.
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