• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

Q> A few questions on configuring the game..

Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 22, 2021
Reaction score
Hi everyone,

Apologies if this has been answered before, but it was very hard to skim/search through the release posts;
Currently running the v3.4 VM server release by Gamst (thanks!)

  • Which table in SQL do I change banners? A screenshot would be immensely helpful
  • Is there a way to change default walking speed of characters?
  • Is there a way to change the UID of the account? Where exactly is character data saved?
  • Is there a setting to hide the UID of the account at the bottom-right corner of the screen? ( If you're playing on OLED screen, it may cause burnouts of the LED )
  • Can someone kindly explain how to remove dungeon cooldowns so it is accessible every day any time? I know this is in one of the .txt files, but which one? would this be in DungeonEntryData.txt ?
  • How should I edit the TowerScheduleData.txt so that the tower is accessible at all times 24/7? a screenshot would be immensely helpful here as well..

Any help would be appreciated immensely. Thanks in advance.
Server Information
About banners, I just made something for them last night. It was mostly for 3.2, but I think it should work with 3.4 and banner info up to that are included too: https://forum.ragezone.com/threads/...banners-easily-for-3-2-and-maybe-3-4.1228611/

That would give you the files and SQL to add every banner so you'll be able to enable/disable them easily, but if you want to customize/understand them more here's a bunch of hastily written and badly formatted information:

Banners are set in the database table t_gacha_schedule_config. Here's things about each column:

schedule_id = can be anything unique

gacha_type =
100 = newbie banner
200 = Standard Wish
201 = Standard Avatar (shows "Wish" on the corner of the banner)
202 = Standard Weapon (can't remember what it shows on the banner)
300 = Activity (shows "Wish" in a different color)
301 = Activity Avatar (shows "Character Event Wish")
302 = Activity Weapon (shows "Weapon Event Wish")
400 = Special Activity Avatar (shows "Character Event Wish-2")

Terrible confusing naming but:
For normal character banners use 301 and 400, then 201 and 300 if you want extra.
For the normal weapon banner use 302, then 202 if you want an extra (which doesn't have the Epitomized Path).
Extra ones sometimes have text display problems but seem to work fine besides that.
You can only have 1 of each gacha_type enabled at the same time.

begin_time / end_time = obvious, but you can just put something like 2020-09-28 00:00:00 / 2099-12-31 23:59:59

cost_item_id = 223 for Intertwined Fate, 224 for Acquaint Fate

cost_item_num = how many fates each wish costs

gacha_pool_id = the pool ID of characters/weapons that will be set in \data\txt\GachaPoolData.txt

gacha_prob_rule_id = the ID of the chance rules set up in \data\txt\GachaProbData.txt. By default, 1 for characters, 2 for weapons, 3 for the Standard Wish, and 11 for the special newbie banner.

gacha_up_config = Set up what the featured characters/weapons are along with the chance boost.

To not use any boosted/featured things:

Example to feature the character Venti which is ID 1022, but doesn't boost the 3 other 4 star characters on the banner (yet):
item_parent_type:1 is for 5 star things and 2 would be for 4 star things. prob:500 is the boost when picking a 5 star thing and is out of 1000, so 500 is 50%. So when you get a 5 star character, there's a 50% chance it's going to be Venti. If not, then it will pick from the pool set in GachaPoolData.txt and next time will add 500 more (making it 1000) so it's guaranteed to be Venti. If you ever get something on item_list, it resets the chance so the next time will be back to 500 (50%).

Example to also feature the 3 4-star characters shown on the banner:
It works the same way. When it's choosing a 4 star character, there's first a 50% chance to pick one from that item_list, and if you fail to get one then it picks from the GachaPoolData.txt pool and next time adds 50% more to make it guaranteed to pick something from the item_list.

Example for a weapon banner, boosting both the 2 5-star things and 5 4-star things:
It works the same way, with 750 meaning 75% since that's what weapons should have officially.

gacha_rule_config = never tried to use it! The newbie banner uses special rules (and is set up somewhere else in the txt files), but normally the rest should just have {} for blank special rules probably.

gacha_prefab_path / gacha_preview_prefab_path / title_textmap = to set what banner image, tab image, and text to display. You can get them from in BannersFull.json. On Venti's 1.0.1 banner you can see gacha_prefab_path is GachaShowPanel_A019 and title_textmap is UI_GACHA_SHOW_PANEL_A019_TITLE. It doesn't have gacha_preview_prefab_path in the json file, but that's always UI_Tab_GachaShowPanel_ plus the ending part of prefab_path like A019, so UI_Tab_GachaShowPanel_A019.

All the url columns = I doubt the server has anything to handle these, but I'm not sure. I just put " "

gacha_sort_id = higher numbers are shown first on the banner screen. The newbie banner is set to 9999 and the Standard Wish is 1 to be at the end.

enabled = 1 or 0

display_up4_item_list = For character banners I didn't notice any difference whether 4 star boosted things are listed or not. For weapon banners, without the list it might show the 4 star item name on the banner as something like "A097." It's in a simple list format like: 13407,11402,12402,15402,14402

Finally here's a picture. Most of them are disabled so that's why there can be multiple with the same gacha_type.
banners - Q> A few questions on configuring the game.. - RaGEZONE Forums

About GachaPoolData.txt:
Example lines:
101   1003  11 100   0
101   1006  12 100   0
101   11501 21 100   0
101   11401 22 100   0
101   11306 23 100   0
101 = the pool ID
2nd column = the character or weapon ID
3rd column = the type of thing it is. 11 = 5 star character, 12 = 4 star character, 21 = 5 star weapon, 22 = 4 star weapon, 23 = 3 star weapon
4th column = I guess the weight it has for being picked - everything seems to either be 100 for an equal chance or empty meaning no chance.
5th column = still no idea, but have only seen 0 or empty

Boosted things should be added to the pool, but probably erase the 100 on the 4th column so that they don't get an extra chance to be picked if you fail the boost roll.

About GachaProbData.txt:
When setting up my own banners, I wanted to use the normal rates in an unchanged GachaProbData.txt, but I had to delete these 2 lines:
1  1  21 2     1
2  1  11 1     1
The first is about 5 star weapon chances on character banners and the second is about 5 star characters in weapon banners. Neither of those exist normally, and the 5th column is already empty so they had no chance to be picked even if they were added to a pool. The server still rudely complained because it saw that there was a rule set for them but the banners didn't have any items that would use those rules.
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