• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.


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Aug 19, 2010
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Please post all Quest related issues here. Any bugs you come across and also any fixes anyone may have.

It would be nice to categorize the bugs and thus make it a lot easier to find solutions for them.

I'll go first with a Quest bug. In the starter area, I can't complete the quest to choose Internal/External path. This bug prevents me from going further. Any help would be much appreciated.

Please post all Quest related issues here. Any bugs you come across and also any fixes anyone may have.

It would be nice to categorize the bugs and thus make it a lot easier to find solutions for them.

I'll go first with a Quest bug. In the starter area, I can't complete the quest to choose Internal/External path. This bug prevents me from going further. Any help would be much appreciated.


This is a quest bug.
We appreciate your efforts and tried to fix.


  • LoongScreenshot[3-19-2011 191106]-10867307 - Quest BUGS/FIXES - RaGEZONE Forums
    LoongScreenshot[3-19-2011 191106]-10867307.webp
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Well...since you guys are struggling I'll just give ya these.
This is about the most help I'll give for now though....Don't want too much competition :P
Anyways, throw these in your quest folder in data of the server files. All the fixes.

Couldn't upload elsewhere for now.
You, Sir are my new favorite person. Great big thank you.

EDIT : All quests work beautifully up until I enter Dragon Castle
and I have to speak to Pan Gu. It seems he has gone away on vacation, lol.
Could anyone shed some light on the situation please?
I'm not asking for freebies, but if someone could just get me started, that would be really, really nice.

On a sidenote, I seem to be unable to buy weapons from vendors. Any hints ?
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Well...since you guys are struggling I'll just give ya these.
This is about the most help I'll give for now though....Don't want too much competition :P
Anyways, throw these in your quest folder in data of the server files. All the fixes.

Couldn't upload elsewhere for now.

Thanks to file more complete.
Well...since you guys are struggling I'll just give ya these.
This is about the most help I'll give for now though....Don't want too much competition :P
Anyways, throw these in your quest folder in data of the server files. All the fixes.

Couldn't upload elsewhere for now.

Thanks for the nice share lol !!!
You make happy my day! :tongue:
I'm having trouble with the following Main Quest : "Covert Action"
Maybe I'm just missing something. Anyone help me out please?

I go to where I'm supposed to bury the Phoenix feather, but I am unable to do anything there. I've walked around that area, but nothing happens. I'm using the data -> local -> zhCN -> script folder from the C & C system.cpk and it has been synced with my server. Cain, if you're reading this, could you shed some light please? Anyone else that knows, feel free to help me out as well please... :tongue:

Kreeate - Quest BUGS/FIXES - RaGEZONE Forums
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line 105 in the script needs to be edited. It is a error in the code there on server side.

Double-quotes the problem in that line?

EDIT : Argh... I removed the extra (") in that line, but it made no difference, quest still won't update. Line 105 is related to trigger quest id=43. My problem is trigger quest id=26. According to the Rtrigger.lua file anyway.

Have I lost it completely, or am I on the right track?

2nd EDIT : Now I have discovered that there are Rtrigger.lua files all over the place, obviously for different maps.

They are in :


Which one is the culprit?
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Changed it. Quest still not updating. Are we talking about the same quest?

My quest is asking me to look for the "sand dune". The Covert Action quest. How would the twin islands line in the script affect it? I'm not very clued up on how these scripts work, so please forgive me if I don't understand the relations between the quests. :blush:
oops wrong quest ^^
anyway uhm i dont think i have that problem on my server with that quest.
So ill look through my files and see what we made different in the scripting on serverside. I know we changed alot of the quest data on serverside to correct some bugged quests.
Hi guys ... my server is up now. now im testing it en getting the same problem as mentioned above.. Pan Gu seems to be moved or have a vacation. but what i dont get from the discussion is how to get him back at his place :laugh: please a nice explanation about how to fix the Pan Gu Bug.
after a lot of searching (because the sync didn't help) i noticed that Pan Gu's coördinates were wrong. i will change them en see if it works.
after a lot of searching (because the sync didn't help) i noticed that Pan Gu's coördinates were wrong. i will change them en see if it works.

Syncing the server and client does work if using the correct client and server combination and if done correctly.

If you guys don't want to struggle with the Pan Gu bug anymore, just use the updated server and client in the releases section of the forums.
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