Question bout items

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LOL it always cracks me up how someone has to pipe up and flame someone for asking for help. That's what this board is for. If everyone just said "Don't be lazy, compile your own server" there wouldn't be as many choices of servers as there are today.

Ragezone enables the sharing of information. If you don't want to answer his question, or you dont have the answer, don't say anything at all. If you really wanted to help, you would tell him how to extract it from the stl.

Teach a man to fish... you remember that story? Teach him how to extract it and he will stop asking for each thing he cant find.
What is the code for scorpius stone?? I need it :P

So here are the Stone !
[G] [L] & [H] [F]

[Typ] [ID] [Name]
12 361 Aries Stone
12 362 Taurus Stone
12 363 Gemini Stone
12 364 Cancer
12 365 Leo Stone
12 366 Virgo Stone
12 367 Libra
12 368 Scorpius Stone
12 369 Sagittarius Stone
12 370 Capricornus Stone
LOL it always cracks me up how someone has to pipe up and flame someone for asking for help. That's what this board is for. If everyone just said "Don't be lazy, compile your own server" there wouldn't be as many choices of servers as there are today.

Ragezone enables the sharing of information. If you don't want to answer his question, or you dont have the answer, don't say anything at all. If you really wanted to help, you would tell him how to extract it from the stl.

Teach a man to fish... you remember that story? Teach him how to extract it and he will stop asking for each thing he cant find.

ROFL, so i need to go look up in the stl's for him? wtf...
Well this is solved, so it only warrants an answer because I feel that next time you will reply the same way to someone that is asking for help...

Instead of telling him to piss off like you basically did, you could tell him how to extract the STLs (not do it for him) and he can do it himself. HELP people instead of just telling them to figure it out. If they could figure it out on their own, they wouldn't be asking.

Thanks for your help Kern... and what I want to know is if you have an updated item list you got that from, or did you actually do the leg work and extract it? If you have a list, can you please post it here so people can have it? Most of the lists on this site are outdated.
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