Question for the the english gentleman around here (BEER)

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Loyal Member
Mar 12, 2004
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Howdy all,
I have a tiny teeny question, what's your favorite beer or what would you(UK ppl) say is the most common beer sold in the UK???
Also, how much do you pay for it?

Thanks, and get back drinking ;)
Stella so isnt the most common lol. Carling is easily more popular in the north, ask for a lager and you will generaly get carling.

However thats probly down to where you are in UK, its abit silly asking for most popular in UK since most places are diffrent. If your a toff its prob a more expensive brand, cheaper brands for the working class is more likely the most popular id guess.

My personaly fav, well it depends on what im after. Sometimes ill go for a guiness mostly i dont drink much lager/beer, maybe 2-3 at the start of the night and then move onto mixers.
Stella so isnt the most common lol. Carling is easily more popular in the north, ask for a lager and you will generaly get carling.

However thats probly down to where you are in UK, its abit silly asking for most popular in UK since most places are diffrent. If your a toff its prob a more expensive brand, cheaper brands for the working class is more likely the most popular id guess.

My personaly fav, well it depends on what im after. Sometimes ill go for a guiness mostly i dont drink much lager/beer, maybe 2-3 at the start of the night and then move onto mixers.

i like a few ciders then onto harder stuff

i would have to say carling, although a glass of Strongbow goes down well :P

strongbow ftw , magners is better tho

omg it's zorobz!!!! :p
wish I could drink :\ but then again my friend's can't hold beer for nothing, I wouldn't want to end up like them

im not old enough to drink, doesnt stop me tho. out of my friends im probs the first person to get drunk and stay that way.
Prefer Fosters but beer is generally shite anyway, I've never liked any to be honest - it's the only one I can tolerate drinking.
:P Been I while since I was here...

well I gotta a pretty good memory :D and as I recall the reason why I remember you is because you were one of the first to reply to a noob thread of mine....but enough about reminiscing, glad to see you've taken some time to make a thread on RZ!

omerta I'd drink probably outside of the old saying about "holding beer" but my friend's do too many shots of vodka and what not ._. also a lot of my friends like to winky winky after alcohol as well :\
Who broke down? ("english")

I prefer a bottle of bud or heineken presonally then Stella.


Heineken ftw... i could prob go through about 5/6 pints at a bar, but i absolutely cannot stand the stuff in the bottles. bought a crate a few months ago and couldn't even get through 3... they suck >.<

although if you dont mind paying a lil extra for imported, i love a good tiger beer ;)
Carlsberg, or a pint of vodka, yeah vodka is my favourite beer. =-P

I think I read somewhere that Carlsberg is the most commonly drunk beer in these parts, but then again around London they all drink Magners or wotever its called for like 2342423424 pound a glass.
down here (london) if you want a good night in the city your pocket needs to be bottomless. could cost you up to 5 quid for a bottle (one of those tiny ones also) of stella, 6 quid+ for a bottle of bud. most commonly drunk beer has to be wife beater (aka stella artois) 8 stellas for 5 pound in the shop near my house :D

edit: most popular probs was kronenburg but it seems like most of their cans are tainted and have dirty chemical tastes.
Prefer Fosters but beer is generally shite anyway, I've never liked any to be honest - it's the only one I can tolerate drinking.

Same, I don't really like beer. And an english "gentlemen" would probably drink a martini or somthing. Not a pint of beer lol, although here in east london they tend to drink alot of carling.