[Question]How good are Ascent when it comes to Pre-Tbc Ascent 

Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
Hello fellas,
I have a question. How good are Ascent when it comes to Pre-TBC content, such as 40 Man raiding in those dungeons made for 40man raids, are the bosses as hard as those on the retail servers, and do they have the same spells and curses etc?

I also wonders if there are any add on that will bring back the PvP ranking system instead of the honor system. I've been searching for it and haven't found anything, just extra checking to see if I've missed it.

Thanks in advance.
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  • RaGEZONE Sponsor


The Notorious
Seen it on some servers now a days and it seems to be possible.
The only thing is that i dont know HOW.
Maybe an idea to make a request on the arcemu.org/forums
And i suggest to use Koboldv1 to. Almost bugless.
But dont think there are much people that want to downgrade or re install World of Warcraft pre-tbc just for a private.

I also wonders if there are any add on that will bring back the PvP ranking system instead of the honor system.
I will however create a installer that install Wow classic beside your TBC, so you'll have 2 folders of World of warcraft.
But kobold is still based on mangos, right? Would like an EMU that can hold a lot of people.