[Question] How to fix monster location ? (Half in the ground) L2J 

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Skilled Illusionist
Jan 13, 2007
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Mother Russia
Hello people! Please help to solve such problem: At me on a server monsters fromС5 on the locations are on half in the ground or soar above it - as for it to correct? Look figures below. Thanks
Shot00037 - [Question] How to fix monster location ? (Half in the ground) - RaGEZONE Forums

Shot00038 - [Question] How to fix monster location ? (Half in the ground) - RaGEZONE Forums

Shot00039 - [Question] How to fix monster location ? (Half in the ground) - RaGEZONE Forums

Shot00040 - [Question] How to fix monster location ? (Half in the ground) - RaGEZONE Forums

Shot00041 - [Question] How to fix monster location ? (Half in the ground) - RaGEZONE Forums
lol :))))
from sql change the monsters height ... seems you have the same data pack as i do .
btw ... zariche belongs to benom :P but you have to make a zariche that is 1 handed and add that to him ;)
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Re: [Question] How to give raid boss his minions ?

Thanks for all people. Now at me such question how to cause minions for Spot-check of the Boss (for example Queens Shyeed). It(she) is caused without minions: (. Climbed in the table raidboss_spawnlist there has not found spawn minions. Help(assist). Figures are applied = \

Why this monster have minions, and summonig with they :
Shot00043 - [Question] How to fix monster location ? (Half in the ground) - RaGEZONE Forums

And this bosses haven't minions - on npc table i have they minios BUT they summnonig with out they - PLZ help how fix???

Shot00044 - [Question] How to fix monster location ? (Half in the ground) - RaGEZONE Forums

Shot00045 - [Question] How to fix monster location ? (Half in the ground) - RaGEZONE Forums
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People well can somebody will tell as to call minions for raid boss? Very much нада well or mb to fasten usual monsters as minions?

Go to teh table called Minions
there u should find the boss id
add a minion id and the quantity
when u summon the boss (the id), i calls automatically its minions

about the 'zariche belongs to benom' where the hell did this people took that from??

Benom has its own sword (wich in fact u have to set it to both hands, 'cause he uses a dual sword atack animation)

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Go to teh table called Minions
there u should find the boss id
add a minion id and the quantity
when u summon the boss (the id), i calls automatically its minions

about the 'zariche belongs to benom' where the hell did this people took that from??

Benom has its own sword (wich in fact u have to set it to both hands, 'cause he uses a dual sword atack animation)


Ohh man THX!!! testing!!!

PS: about Benom - yes Serph is right : he have his on dual swords. And the Zariche is a sword of a demon BREMMON ;)
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