[Question] How/Where did you learn C++

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Mar 28, 2006
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I've really been wanting to learn the coding language C++ to mainly learn how to work on Server emulators, create misc programs and such. Though I've been looking online to see how much classes cost to learn C++ and their over $2,000 which I definitely can't afford. And I wasn't sure about Online tutorials. So I'm not really sure. I really want to learn this language and would be dedicated to learn it, but I'm not sure the proper way to learn it. I definitely cannot do classes, way to expensive.

If anyone has any suggestions I'd really like that.
Read "The C Programming Language" by Kernighan and Ritchie to get the basics of the C language, then read "The C++ Programming Language" by Stroustrup to familiarise yourself with the '++' extensions to C. There are dozens of eBook versions of the first floating around the Internet, and I'm not certain but I'm sure there are several of the C++ one as well.
Thanks for the rely, I'm assuming those are books so I'll look to see if the library has them in and I'll read them. You seem to know a lot about a lot of different coding languages.
"Mastering Visual C++" <--- forgot the author! Learn it in 13 days to be a pro.
I have had the luxury of following classes by Frank Brokken, the author of the C++ Annotations. Its an addition to 'De programmeertaal C', also written by him, which is a dutch book on C. You can probably get your hands on 'The C programming language', like username1 said, it is THE introduction text on C as far as I know.
C++ essentials by Chuck Easttom is a really good book... once you're familiar with OOP though, you can easily learn C++ / Java etc.
Best way to learn C++ IMO is to start reading the tutorials at Cplusplus.com

After you think you have a hold on C++ try creating a Rock Paper Scissors Game, and/or a calculator.

After you have your l33t calculator ;) done head on to RDX Games, under projects look for the wrathlands one and follow the tutorials to make your own text-based RPG.

I think he's doing a new video tutorial set to make a 2d RPG in Direct X 9.0.

Well thats how I learned/am learning.
Tutorials, anoying people with questions ^^ and School.
Im actualy thinking of programing as major as i enjoy it all of the sudden.
For anyone who wants to program... just stick with it through the boring /anoying stuff... in the middle it starts to get juicy and Fun....
cplusplus.com - The C++ Resources Network is a good site, I'm using it right now. Also, I heard cprogramming.com is a good site.

If you're wanting to develop games, check out GameDev.net - all your game development needs

Also, if you wanna get into making server emulators (it's part of the reason I'm getting into it, to make a Gunz emulator) you'll probably wanna start learning some basic things like decrypting packets and stuff, just the essentials of making server emulators.

Good luck. It can get tough, but if ya hang in there, it starts getting easier.

But as far as I'm concerned, classes aren't worth it, especially ones you pay for. Sure they provide help from a real person, but there are tons of tuts and docs for free online that are just as good.