[Question] Is anyone?

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Junior Spellweaver
Apr 9, 2007
Reaction score
I know this might be the wrong area and if it is perhaps someone could tell me where to post at.

Anyways I was with JanRoseOnline as a GM I dunno whats going with his server but im looking to find a place I can help out at with Events. Is anyone looking for new GM's to help out? I dont wanna run a server of my own really no point cause people want to have alot of people playing and all.

Anyways If anyone has an Opening I looking xD I can help with events and web designing for your site but im looking for a Rose server that has people who really play on it. not dead servers.

Anyways if you have an opening pm me on the forum or reply with what you need me to do to join your team.
If you knew it was the wrong section, then why post it?

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