### Question RE: Mir 2###

Junior Spellweaver
Jun 20, 2003
Reaction score
Birmingham , Uk >>> The Pub!
Was just browsing the E.I chronies and i noticed a post about RZ mir2...Was just wondering if ne-1 knew if it was coming back? (Maybe its just a rumour)

Ne info would be appreciated - I recon it would b cool if it came back hehe ;)

So current server status is:-

Files = sorted (by urself) :)
Host = None atm
Mental = Undecided about when and if 2 re-launch

Well ive been playing Euromir for abit and lots of ppl are now leaving with rumours of the Mir contract ending this week. I believe alot of ppl would play as always... Convince Mental DE lol :P
Spunkeh said:
i wouldnt mind hosting it for a tempery thing...

As in till they found a new host or u mean that the server would be a temp thing?

Was hoping if the server was brought back that it would last a minumum of till summer ends, maybe even stay up for good this time lol >.<

mimir said:
As in till they found a new host or u mean that the server would be a temp thing?

Was hoping if the server was brought back that it would last a minumum of till summer ends, maybe even stay up for good this time lol >.<


No id host till mental gets a permante host...
Exclamatio said:
u got a spare pc that could handle it?

lol i have 2 pc's but the other one dont seem to wanna run mir2 private servers ;( for some reason

but the decent pc could handle it put its just i wanna use my pc for ova things so i wouldnt mind hosting it for a termpery host until adeh wonts to host it coz he knows he wonts to :tp: