[Question] rounds/player count

Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 29, 2006
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I have noticed that all the servers i have been to only have max rounds of 30 and max players in a game being 16.

Is there a way to increase this number, if there is where do i start looking?

Note: Making changes in the gametypecfg.xml either in server files or in the client does not work i have tried many times.
<ROUNDS round="10" str="10" />
<ROUNDS round="20" str="20" />
<ROUNDS round="30" str="30" />
<ROUNDS round="50" str="50" default="true" />
<ROUNDS round="70" str="70" />
<ROUNDS round="100" str="100" />
<ROUNDS round="10000" str="10000" />
<LIMITTIME sec="99999" str="Infinite" />
<LIMITTIME sec="10" str="10 min" />
<LIMITTIME sec="20" str="20 min" />
<LIMITTIME sec="30" str="30 min" default="true" />
<LIMITTIME sec="40" str="40 min" />
<LIMITTIME sec="50" str="50 min" />
<LIMITTIME sec="60" str="60 min" />
<MAXPLAYERS player="4" str="4" />
<MAXPLAYERS player="8" str="8" default="true" />
<MAXPLAYERS player="12" str="12" />
<MAXPLAYERS player="16" str="16" />
<MAXPLAYERS player="35" str="35" />

its an exemeple : gametypecfg just edit this

and after dit save your file and put gametypecfg in your matchserver and in your system ^^^
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You should edit gametypecfg.xml and locale.xml.

So at gametycfg.xml you write all the mode that you want, and at locale.xml you edit the max number of player in a room
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