Question.. L2J 

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Jul 7, 2004
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sorry , to my bad English

I'm Using l2j 0.2 & lineage2 korean client.

after setup, play to game. Charactor is Dark Maze.

I need some item, Talk to trader.

Trade "I have no ............." :(

I can not buy item.
no npcs work just yet. I think the dev team put that msg in so that you don't crash when u try to talk to npcs. And i believe you can only buy items in the shop inside elf town.
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Before you ask whats with my avatar, im member of the dev team on l2j, i just finished writing the npc htm parser.

in the "nightly release" that will come (i hope he will include it tonight) there will be real lineage 2 server style shop display instead of just a shop that pop's up.

so far the htm files for all starter towns shop npc's is written, but noone's stopping you from writing the other htm shop npc's dialog's.

anyways, we will see if he includes this tonight, or if he dont :)

btw my name on his site is NightMarez.
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nightly release contains updatet jar files to current cvs build, and also new updatet data files.

just so you dont have to compile the cvs tree each day.


you can see once he included my htm dialog parser, if there is a dir called:


then its in, if there isnt such a dir, then its not in yet.
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