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Junior Spellweaver
Sep 18, 2006
Reaction score
In a Box
1) can you make a chara like every chara so you dont have to keep chaning them to change armor

2)Can you give a chara every skill maxed

3)The Gm Skill book what does it justs d/c the server and the chara must be deleted

4)Is there a post with the monsters ids for spwning them

5)How do you fix it so when you equip arrows server doesnt d/c

6)How do you make the charas name blue some1 told me add [GM]
and it will be blue but it isnt is there something else that needs to be done?

Tnx for all the help
itofu plz get the new server files i think u have the old one plz use the new one in the new one arrows dont dc the server anymore and i think the gm skill too and about the list of ids for spawning monster plz check the forums thurr is a guy who posted somthin theat u download and uc an see the item ids and the monster ids and the mpas ids.
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