Quick Question

Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 19, 2006
Reaction score
Well I'll be the first one to admit that i know next o nothing about the new SQL type servers. I had gained a fair amount of knowledge on the old version ones and have frequented this site for a long time. My problem is im in the navy and curtrently underway for the next 6 months unable to play the real game because our connection blocks out external access as well as is slow as hell. Because of this when new packs r released I will not be able to download them. I am trying to find some kind of guide or request one on the basics of spawning and creating items and quests in the sql version. This site and community have helped me greatly in the past with my server and i kinda wanna give back. With me being underway i have nothing but time and would like to learn these things to help speed up the spawning process and fixing of quests and bugs for every1 else. I know it's asking a lot and that this isn't exactly something easy to teach but if someone would like to try and help I would greatly appreciate it.
First, thanks for your service.

second, best thing to get yourself familiar with is MDH (MaNGOS Database Handler), you can find threads on it all over this forum.

Download a ton of repacks for Mangos, and then one of the most recent official packs. (SDB databases and the official MaNGOS client)

Official releases are WAY less buggy and will give you a better experience. New repacks are really cool, but buggy as hell.

Go here for latest full SDB's and Windows exe's for mangos

I've had tons of luck with his stuff.

then download yourself a copy of xampp. and skip most of the first steps of all the guides posted. they install individual pieces one at a time. xampp blows through all of the components needed to start your own server and host a webpage for it all at once. (The latter you don't need but its fun to play with)

Someone probably has a guide for xampp posted, just search it out.
Thanks for your help. I will try and get the MDH. I thought i had it somewhere but currently I am using the Mangos 2.0.10 repack found on this site. I believe it is an official release but not sure.. It is much better than the old non sql version that used to be out I just want to take my time and fix some of the bugs and quests and start spawning some. Now that im think ing of it has anyone discovered the in game spawn yet fr mangos? I remember them saying they were working on a way just curious. I personally set up mangos for ne 1 onboard the ship that wants it because we have tons of WOW fans and i know how i get when i can't play it s i help the others as well. When your on an aircraft carrier with over 5500 people it can get busy. Yet again thanks and I'm looking foward to getting this stuff down and helping release some fixes.
naah the official packs only go up to version 1.12.x

and MDH really only works with the official releases.

I'd suggest getting familiar with all the ins and outs of MaNGOs through the official releases (1.12.x), and then transfer what you've learned to the 2.0.10 repacks. It would help.

The good news is you don't have to uninstall anything, just make a new DB for the official SDB, and set up your config files of the new server to point to it.

To really do the databases right you'll have to have 2 copies of MaNGOS. the 2.0.10 version you have, and the 1.12.x version that you'll download. Honestly, getting the official versions are going to be the best way to learn due to the fact that there is no "easy" straight forward way to create new items or creatures like there was for the old servers.

Get yourself a copy of Microsoft excel. start doing Comma Separated Value imports and exports with your databases, its really the fastest way to MASS add custom stuff.