3rd job change quest
simple script for quest.txt
(quest (index 8009 1)
(case (if (clear 9009 3))
(then (html ?????1)))
(case (then (link 8010 1)))
(quest (index 8010 1)
(case (if (specialty 0 2))
(then (link 8011 1)))
(case (if (specialty 0 3))
(then (link 8011 2)))
(case (if (specialty 1 2))
(then (link 8011 3)))
(case (if (specialty 1 3))
(then (link 8011 4)))
(case (if (specialty 2 2))
(then (link 8011 5)))
(case (if (specialty 2 3))
(then (link 8011 6)))
(quest (index 8011 1)
(case (if (level 80) (specialty 0 2))
(then (specialty 5) (save 9009 3)))
(case (then (html ?????2)))
(quest (index 8011 2)
(case (if (level 80) (specialty 0 3))
(then (specialty 4) (save 9009 3)))
(case (then (html ?????2)))
(quest (index 8011 3)
(case (if (level 80) (specialty 1 2))
(then (specialty 5) (save 9009 3)))
(case (then (html ?????2)))
(quest (index 8011 4)
(case (if (level 80) (specialty 1 3))
(then (specialty 4) (save 9009 3)))
(case (then (html ?????2)))
(quest (index 8011 5)
(case (if (level 80) (specialty 2 2))
(then (specialty 5) (save 9009 3)))
(case (then (html ?????2)))
(quest (index 8011 6)
(case (if (level 80) (specialty 2 3))
(then (specialty 4) (save 9009 3)))
(case (then (html ?????2)))
????1 is the dialog # where it say quest has allready been finished
????2 is the dialog # where it says your not high enough level to do this part of quest
simple script for quest.txt
(quest (index 8009 1)
(case (if (clear 9009 3))
(then (html ?????1)))
(case (then (link 8010 1)))
(quest (index 8010 1)
(case (if (specialty 0 2))
(then (link 8011 1)))
(case (if (specialty 0 3))
(then (link 8011 2)))
(case (if (specialty 1 2))
(then (link 8011 3)))
(case (if (specialty 1 3))
(then (link 8011 4)))
(case (if (specialty 2 2))
(then (link 8011 5)))
(case (if (specialty 2 3))
(then (link 8011 6)))
(quest (index 8011 1)
(case (if (level 80) (specialty 0 2))
(then (specialty 5) (save 9009 3)))
(case (then (html ?????2)))
(quest (index 8011 2)
(case (if (level 80) (specialty 0 3))
(then (specialty 4) (save 9009 3)))
(case (then (html ?????2)))
(quest (index 8011 3)
(case (if (level 80) (specialty 1 2))
(then (specialty 5) (save 9009 3)))
(case (then (html ?????2)))
(quest (index 8011 4)
(case (if (level 80) (specialty 1 3))
(then (specialty 4) (save 9009 3)))
(case (then (html ?????2)))
(quest (index 8011 5)
(case (if (level 80) (specialty 2 2))
(then (specialty 5) (save 9009 3)))
(case (then (html ?????2)))
(quest (index 8011 6)
(case (if (level 80) (specialty 2 3))
(then (specialty 4) (save 9009 3)))
(case (then (html ?????2)))
????1 is the dialog # where it say quest has allready been finished
????2 is the dialog # where it says your not high enough level to do this part of quest
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