• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

RageParty , what you gotta do and then todays vids of me and rag n a pick or two!!!

Re: RageParty , what you gotta do and then todays vids of me and rag n a pick or two!!!

MentaL said:
stuff from me and rag from today..
http://rzpatches.com/St Davids Day/

And for rageparty, u gotta wear a name tag with your forum name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:eek: u will neva catch me wearing a name tag, i h8 them

cool clips, u must have had lots of fun :)
Re: RageParty , what you gotta do and then todays vids of me and rag n a pick or two!!!

MentaL said:
stuff from me and rag from today..
http://rzpatches.com/St Davids Day/

And for rageparty, u gotta wear a name tag with your forum name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lol yup i was thinking bout forcing ppl o wear the tags :D

think of it this way guys what has mental done for us all?
the elast we can do is wear name tags and wear matching sweaters :D

at least ima make every1 1st introduce themselves as their forum name b4 i get 2 know their real name
I agree with no name tags :tp: hehe.... you can just let people be like what the heck????? whose that and whose that... etc;
MasterD said:
ye all them damn light weights >.> jk lol

was good porn tho lol
I've owned u at drinkin plenty of times:tp:

BTW Vids ain't workin 4 me:cool:
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MasterD said:
the only reason ya owned me the times u did was cause i drink well to fast lol as in 2 cans in 2 downing sessions lol -.- and that time we went BedRock i downed 2 pints and 2 bottles in about 3 mins lol (1 quid a drink what ya expect :P)
Pffffft ye ye w/e :P I'll own u at this party:tp: