RageZone Official Files L2O 

Nov 27, 2006
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The reason i am writing this post is because i am searching official files.
I saw on the Archive the RageZone Official Datapack,tried to download,but not only the links on the original post don't work,but on the last post there is a link,from which i download from 13,3 kbps.All i ask is a reshare,and a reply to if anyone is still doing work on that pack.

Thank you for taking some time reading this post.
Oh guyz, you are not looking for l2j server files but l2off. I was searching too l2off files. I have download the ragezone pack and i try to make it retail version. Also i have download some addond and some hex codes for the l2server.exe but i work alone.... Try it too!
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I been trying to make the server and i am new at it, i keep getting these errors could someone help me out please.

Thank you

The first one is:

masterjippo - RageZone Official Files - RaGEZONE Forums

The second one is:

masterjippo - RageZone Official Files - RaGEZONE Forums
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When i load the actual server up and i connect to it using l2 client. after about 2 secs it just crashes. i checked the error log and this is wat it was inside: not sure if that wats rong tho lol

[(1292) 2007/05/20 09:48:51]: =======================
an Access Violation in module L2Server656.exe at 0033:00740833.
start at 2007/5/20 09:45:07
Read from location 6a99a984 caused an access violation.

EAX=6a99a984 CS=0033 EIP=00740833 EFLGS=00010202
EBX=00a47c00 SS=002b ESP=6ac5ec00 EBP=6a99a984
ECX=00000001 DS=002b ESI=00000000 FS=0053
EDX=73259450 ES=002b EDI=fffeea43 GS=002b
Bytes at CS:EIP:
8b 7d 00 8b cf 41 2b cc 8b 5d 04 8b c3 2b 44 24
Stack dump:
6ac5ec00: 00a47c00 00000000 6ac5f5a8 00000000 00000000 00000000 fffeea43 00000000
6ac5ec20: fafc5f53 c0f1aa9d 50602392 410f5da7 00000008 fffeea43 0003ef12 0003ee12
6ac5ec40: fffeeb43 0003ee12 00000000 c0a85000 00000003 00000000 00000001 00000000
6ac5ec60: fffffffe ffffffff 92dfdb8e 410f5de6 ffe00000 41efffff ffe00000 41efffff
6ac5ec80: ffe00000 41efffff ffe00000 41efffff ffe00000 41efffff ffe00000 41efffff
6ac5eca0: ffe00000 41efffff ffe00000 41efffff ffe00000 41efffff ffe00000 41efffff
6ac5ecc0: ffe00000 41efffff ffe00000 41efffff ffe00000 41efffff ffe00000 41efffff
6ac5ece0: ffe00000 41efffff ffe00000 41efffff 00000000 3ff00000 00000000 00000000
6ac5ed00: 00000000 40c00000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000


(thnx shawnmb)
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