Rare or not??

  • Yes Make Rares Rare.

    Votes: 19 67.9%
  • No I Want a Mace When Im LvL 22...

    Votes: 9 32.1%

  • Total voters
Mythic Archon
500 Posts 20 Happy Years
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
just wanted to make a pool, me and my bro were talking about it and we were hoping that Rares will be Rare!! i mean just a little rare off from euro (witch isnt really rare anymore)

who agrees?
-Strider- said:
EDIT: lol at choices. Last RZs were fine and they wernt that easy lol. PLus its level 30-33 to use mace :tp:

EDIT: lol @ me i quoted myself instead of editing :rolleyes:

we all know why dont we.... ;)

nah they wernt alright i had a lvl 42 war and lvl 43 wizzy (wernt hard to get) and between them they had

2 GIMs
2 BIMs
3 Jmaces
Mc 2-8 Magestaff
2x violets
2x dragonbraces
green bead

list gos on and on think rares should be hard and exp should be easy so then when u do hit lvl 40 u still got a gaxe and so on and go on loads of hunts to get kit (makes game uber fun)
BadMan said:
we all know why dont we.... ;)

nah they wernt alright i had a lvl 42 war and lvl 43 wizzy (wernt hard to get) and between them they had

2 GIMs
2 BIMs
3 Jmaces
Mc 2-8 Magestaff
2x violets
2x dragonbraces
green bead

list gos on and on think rares should be hard and exp should be easy so then when u do hit lvl 40 u still got a gaxe and so on and go on loads of hunts to get kit (makes game uber fun)
That's a cool way of thinkin about it

how bout the new weapeons eg whats been made GIM BIM etc be rares or you have 2 go 2 a specific place 2 get them but if you get items that ment be rare to easily where fun in that i agree with easy exp and varied rares my view cos once you get high enough level wont be long till u get the rares yourself
BadMan said:
nah they wernt alright i had a lvl 42 war and lvl 43 wizzy (wernt hard to get) and between them they had

you forgot to mention that the 42 war was shared and the wizzy wasnt ures Oo
I thought RZ 5 had good drops :) 6 however, did NOT
sick of * axes etc being rare after voting on a poll to say "make rares rare" so i'm gonna say make uber rares as common as milk in the hope that it'll balance out and be normal O_o lol